
I thought that his job was pretty much the perfect payoff to all the "please"'s that have coyly been thrown around since the series began. Classic Barney.

C+? Thats the sort of grade Agents of SHIELD gets, this was at least a B+, probably an A-. That said, the other two episodes are much better. MILD SPOILER: You get to see Sherlock try and solve a case drunk in episode 2, which makes pretty much everything worth it.

I thought the singer was a woman to start off with. Tbh, it just seems like really generic, safe, edgeless, vaguely "alternative" pop that seems to be so in vogue at the moment.

I'm rewatching it, and it all made sense the first time round. Now you've just hurt my head.

To be fair, Sylvester McCoy had probably the most low-stakes regeneration. He got shot by some badly written TV thugs, and was killed by doctors not realising he had two hearts when performing surgery.