Literally Just Cheese

YESS. I started on hormonal BC at 11 when I first started my period. (I was having a number of related health issues and the doctors thought it was a good idea.) I took them continuously until I was about 20. I was super depressed and had no control over my moods at all - I felt totally at the mercy of whatever was

My required bio course in college* was taught by a pathologist who was fanatical about getting all of us healthy 18-22 year olds flu shots. Apparently the flu is so simple genetically, there are only a certain number of combinations of genes that a particular flu virus can have. You build a “library of immunity” (as

Oh my god, I would totally take calico cat over dolphin, every day of the week.

I drove to see my college boyfriend in over six inches of snow, in a snowstorm, while it was coming down sideways. Dumbest thing I’ve ever done for a boy for sure.

Dolphin. I made an account just for the Patronus quiz and I got dolphin and Gryffindor. Fucking bullshit.

Necessary backstory: My brother and I were home alone a lot as kids, and because we were broke, we had one computer we all shared in the living room which was literally the first room you walk into in our childhood home.

The pink jacket. I want it.

I’m going to join the choir of praise for IUDs. I have the copper one (Paraguard). I took birth control for years, but always really struggled with the side effects — mostly totally out of control mood swings. I really needed something with no hormones, but after moving in with my partner, condoms seemed too risky. So

So... pointy.

I had a similar problem with lots of spotting! Mine was so heavy it was the equivalent of a light period for almost two months without a break. My boyfriend kept trying to get me to go to the doctor, but I wasn’t insured where I was living, and I so badly wanted to keep the IUD. I’m glad I stuck it out! I totally love

Yay, welcome to the club! I got a copper IUD last November. Insertion hurt like a mother and I cramped really bad for about two days after. (I’m child-free and got a larger-than-recommended IUD, but I really wanted a long-lasting one that was hormone-free.) My first month was great, but I had a lot of weird spotting

This! I was diagnosed with IBS in my teens, and the food diary made the difference between pretty symptom-free and occasionally pooping my pants. Fwiw, giving up meat and limiting gluten has really helped me, but I think it’s gonna be different for everybody.

Everyone in my library program was super happy today! Dr. Hayden rules.

I know! I live in a city and I’m talking to my neighbors and the people around me for the first time ever. It’s been really fun going to Pokestops with lures at them and talking to folks while we all try to catch another fucking Pidgy.

I’d ask a friend (especially a friend of the gender you’re interested in dating) to look over your profile. I’ve helped a few friends with this, and while I think the bare bones of most profiles are pretty good, picking the most flattering picture, saying the best things about yourself, catching all your typos, etc.

I was the little kid with a bad, mostly absent dad once, and don’t get me wrong, it was hard at first. But that said, kids are smart enough to know that they want to be with the parent who can take care of them. It sounds like you’re doing a great job balancing being comforting and telling her the truth.

Maybe strike up a texting conversation with him? That way you get a better chance to feel out his intentions, be they nefarious or nice. Good luck!

I do that too! I’ve actually been using SuperBetter a lot lately. I don’t really buy into the whole gaming angle (just not a gamer!) but it’s really helpful for me to basically have a to-do list of things I can do to help diminish my anxiety.

I love Allagash, but I haven’t had that one yet! I tried the Curieux recently, but it was way more watery than it had any business being. It was... fine? Anyway, you’ll have to let us know how it is! I’m curieux. (...I’ll show myself out now.)