Literally a Bear

Hard to be that the same lovable Hobbit in Lord of the Rings is the same scary as hell robot from Alien. Rest in peace.

* screams in Tank! *

I prefer Literally a Bear’s “more like limbo” explanation. Purgatory carries certain connotations with it that the flash-sideways just didn’t have. In fact, purgatory, Earth, and the flash-sideways all have the same things in common: all three are holding areas for people before they move on into whatever comes next.

Look, for everyone who talks about ‘fast travel’ in GoT season 8, can we please look back to how long it took in season one for Ned, Arya, and Sansa to get to King’s Landing?

Bring back Agent Carter, you cowards. 

it sounds, based on the comment, that the people who were fired were not those responsible for the actual design, you goddamned melon

Finally, someone with some goddamn sense.

Villeneuve is definitely the most exciting SF director to emerge in the last ten years. Blade Runner 2049 and Arrival are legitimate masterpieces, and I am very excited to see what he does with Dune.

That is the sad part. I absolutely, 100% and totally bought Donald Glover in this.

There are so many ways a person could modify this costume into something glorious. Add some guns, and get some plastic man heads to hang from the belt. Ideally ones that look just like prominent members of the governing party.

I’m in the minority, I know, but I find this show complete, unwatchable rubbish.

Hyperspace is another reality. Think of it like another dimension where the distance between two points is significantly shortened. And in this hyperspace reality, large objects create mass shadows that one needs to navigate around before jumping to lightspeed. Han explains this in ANH as jumping through a star or


Thank God I’m not the only one who sees “cuck” as an easy to use neckbeard edgelord alarm.

Guys, guys. Stephanie Meyer might be a talentless, vapid writer who infantilizes women and reduces the lives of every one of her female characters down to the shortest possible route to supernatural Poundtown...

I agree. Something stylistic like red smoke might be the best option. Every inch of Medusa is a queen; if she’s forced into physical action it should be a very big deal so it might even help if it’s a bit unworldly.

How could you forget Actraiser?

Actraiser? I mean, even if just for the music, but Actraiser has gotta be on the list.