I tried playing DFS for hockey on one of the sites, but it would only let me Draft Kings. This seems shady, right?
I tried playing DFS for hockey on one of the sites, but it would only let me Draft Kings. This seems shady, right?
Man, on the heels of B.o.B.’s bullshit earlier this week, it’s like everybody has to disagree with Newton.
*a elite*
It’s true, they did indeed take over WCW in the 90s. I SEEN IT
This is Russell Wilson’s comment
credit to @KarisaMaxwell
Well done Turts
Fuck this Rochard Wilson cunt
Here’s the proper way to disarm a Turtle, via the Snapper-bar.
I don’t know what he was expecting.
He’s reportedly half-thrilled to get the chance to coach Colin Kaepernick.
I'm giving you this +1 on the condition that you share it with the other five top comments. This is the story that keeps on giving.
Friends say Philips lived by the golden rule.
Briscoe: “Hardy? Your under arrest!”
I feel bad for the guy. He didn’t know his character was bantha doo doo when he signed up to play him.
I call it “two dollars to daydream.” I know I’m not going to win, but I’ll buy a ticket then drive home thinking about all the fun ways I can spend that money. For me, that daydream is worth the $2.
Saw this on my FB and commented “Glad to see No Child Left Behind was a resounding success.”
I made a Roethlisberger rape joke about Roethlisberger raping someone because Roethlisberger rapes people.
Mock Jim Tomsula ALL you want. Dude had his contract paid off when he was fired. He made $14-million for coaching one miserable year of football. Do you know how much Costco instant mashed potatoes $14-million buys? Jim Tomsula does!