Can we get somebody to do an impression of Trump, performing Zapp’s lines?
I’ll bet you anything you like you’ll get people nodding along if they think Trump said it.
*Shudders Britishly*
Can we get somebody to do an impression of Trump, performing Zapp’s lines?
I’ll bet you anything you like you’ll get people nodding along if they think Trump said it.
*Shudders Britishly*
These ones need to be animated in Trump’s voice! Somebody who is better at computers than I am needs to get on this right away!
Then we could haveLionell Hutz or, *shiver*, Trent Fucking McClure doing this.
I’ve made it with a woman (Ivanka). Inform the men.
Don’t get your hopes up for season 6 and 7, they’re only okay. There are a few stand-out episodes though. The movies are also hit-and-miss but the first 5 seasons (the original run) are great! Enjoy!
I will always prefer Futurama over Family Guy and The Simpsons. Me and my cousin always talk about Futurama at work and whenever there’s a lull in the conversation he’d go “I’m bored. You’re boring Zoidberg.” Thank God Netflix picked up after it was passed around from 3 or 4 different channels. Something like Futurama…
To this day I still wonder how different the world would be if Phil Hartman’s scumbag wife hadn’t killed him and he would have starred as Zap Brannigan as originally intended.
I think that even now as a huge comic book fan period, Amalgam is one of the best comic book compilations out there. I know that hardcore DC and Marvel fans only cater toward one or the other but when it all comes down to it their both just as Awsome and inspirational in their own merits! I mean just cause Amalgam…
Strictly speaking as an avid Batman and video game enthusiast, I can definitely say that I am pleased to see that Bruce Wayne will be more incorporated in this games particular depiction of The Dark Night Series! I myself have had the pleasure of playing every single Batman/ Dark Night video game out there, and have…