Oliver Baker

Don’t call it a jailbreak, most people will understand what you mean but I expect the occasional XDA poster will mock you for using it unless you’re obviously new to android/roms.

I think thats effectively webview post KK, I imagine their is a browser that just uses webview for the browsing.

They won’t do that though. Security updates can’t be applied to all versions of an OS. Google & your OEM or Apple aren’t going to pay for security updates on versions gone by most of the time.

The other point, slightly rare, point is that free ram is useless. Unless your computer is actually using vram you probably don’t need any more ram.

It depends on your phone, if you’ve got a recent, still supported one I wouldn’t bother. If you’ve got a no-name chinese/ cheap phone there probably won’t be much you can do.

Problem with that is major versions occasionly become prerequisites for security updates/ or have security updates bundled. You should probably apply all updates but check if there are any major, to you, problems before applying a feature one.

Thank them, a phone can have a lot of infomation that a hacker would pay dearly to have access to. Don’t give them a way to do that.

Technically yes, DO NOT do that. Both the OS and apps can have important fixes in them. Gadgets aren’t going to age well, not updating is not the answer.

Now playing

Some advanced nations, like the UK, have always used pencil and paper.

R-pi users are fine. The exploits don’t affect the arm chips in them

Probably because most readers of Giz that use Linux use an ubuntu based distro. If they attempted to list any more people would complain they’ve not listed their exact distro

No, they meant some old android devices might get an update if done by the owner by flashing a new rom. Jailbreak is the term for rooting on Idevices, it’s rooting on android.

Second paragraph

Reading it now I see that, on NYE it you just seemed to be echoing everyone else complaining about “By in Large” whilst making an annoyingly common mistake.

Please don’t correct on spelling and then use should of, instead of should have/ should’ve.

What he means is that when you use the phrase “cost x at the time” you don’t convert currencies. You can’t take the ‘87 price for something say 80 USD, convert that to 2017 USD eg $149 and then say something cost almost $150, at the time.

I don’t think this is just for techies.

I don’t think this is just for techies.

I totally agree with you and thinking about it I should have asked directly rather than replying. It just seems a fairly obvious thing to me.

I’m not defending the song at all but do that many people stateside think all of Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere. I live in Britain and while we aren’t taught much about Africa I’d imagine most people know the continent goes through the equator.