Oliver Baker

It isn’t. It does, if you aren’t aware of it, make cars seems far more powerful. (A bit like using Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade for temperature) It’s just a weird thing we do because Britain is more metric than the US but less so than pretty much any other western country. The SI ratio is closer to the US really

A restaurant is a bit of a different matter to usual though. Kids don’t usually have loads of patience and sometime you have to wait a long time before getting a meal. I’d agree that reading, colouring or just talking are better than using tablets though especially for young children.

The tax is part of the price consumers pay was my argument. The UK isn’t suddenly going to abolish Fuel duty or remove VAT from petrol or diesel and therefore when a UK resident complains about fuel prices they aren’t going to do it based on the price petrol stations pay as that doesn’t really end up affecting them.

It’s actually around $5.94/ US gallon but I imagine most people Stateside would consider that a lot.

That’s far to high. £1.21 is $1.57

The tax is part of the cost though. You don’t get to discount it just because other places have less tax. Petroleum for a consumer is expensive here and no major parties want to lower fuel duty or VAT.

They mean litre. Which gets you a far less fun $3.9312 per US gallon.

They don’t ever bother to read the greys and if they did they aren’t going to ungrey someone that asks in a roundabout way.

To be fair it should be far better than the one on Android jellybean. Doesn’t make it a good idea but it should work.

Hardware wise, no. It still has an A8 which was first used in the Iphone 6 and 6 plus. It also only has a gig of ram half of the iphone 7 and a third of the 7 plus. Software wise I think it can run IOS 10 but I’m not sure.

Quite a lot of people like to be able to charge their phone without discharging their headphones out of the box.

While your point still stands I would’ve though you’d struggle with less than 4GB of ram on a pc now, especially if you used it for anything vaguely intensive.

You do need to read the 1 star reviews if you attempt this though. It’s quite often full of people just complaining about either delivery or some “problem” with the product that was in the description. For example volume of a Backpack.

Yes, especially when you’re looking at more expensive items (Laptops, Phones etc). I wouldn’t trust a phone selling too much under average price for one of it’s specs unless it had lots of reviews showing its’ downsides.

Two stars tend to be alright as well although if it gets lots of two star reviews it may well have something actually wrong with it rather than specific problems.

I bet you have to enter your PIN number before buying one of those Audis too.

At least in the UK that was actively encouraged by our Science teachers. We were expected to only use sources when explaining and could only use our own words when showing our method, equipment etc.

The hell are you talking about. That metaphor quite clearly doesn’t work. Mortgages are quite clearly only going to be at maximum 300 years old. Tuition fees/ College loans in the UK were only introduced in ‘98 and ‘58 for the USA. Youth Unemployment has traditionally been four or five times higher than adult rates in

Fiat, while tiny in the US, are quite large in Europe. Most people have heard of the Fiat Panda & 500 here while Jeep have very little recognition. Selling Fiat as well would massively increase the price, most likely, and killing them would probably be massively unpopular in Italy.