Oliver Baker

There’s no way they’ll get very far with this case. As you said it’s an ancient phone they no longer support and even if they did support it one person with one case is unlikely to be able to afford to win their case.

Yeah, I appreciate having people calling out Trump but I wish the old Gizmodo could come back even if it was under another name. Ideally i’d want the guys from Field Guide working with the techies from LH and Giz writing for one tech site free of political shit whenever possible.

As someone who hates Trump, and appreciates the usefulness of having one of the main GMG sites calling him out. I do wish there was a site, not necessarily called Gizmodo, that only did tech articles. Something like but mixed with the old style reviews Giz used to do around 3 years ago and

You say that, but we’ve not really had any main home brands for the last decade. Admittedly PSA aren’t great on reliability but they aren’t huge this side of the pond.

Yeah VW of Europe as far as I know make most VW branded cars in Germany with, at least some, work on other VAG marques going to their respective countries.

Ah Okay, but still they’ll be some testing before they come out and 5 years might end up being a lot for electric cars.

Maybe it is a hangover from when BL still made cars but Cars in the UK now are all eventually controlled/designed by another country.

It’s possible that VWs hatchbacks are more reliable than their sedans and CUVS. We almost certainly buy more Golfs than you, and, AFAIK, they don’t even sell the Up stateside.

Do you know if VW being thought as unreliable an American thing? In the UK we tend to think of German Brands (including Volkswagen) as being quite reliable but I’ve heard lots of people on Jalopnik claim VW have a horrific reliability.

It an article from the Sun. You wouldn’t trust anything they write, even if it’s a physics column by Stephen Hawking. 

Could be worse, it could be a daily express “article”.

It wasn’t exactly easy to travel there in the first place.

Yes, of course we do. Occasionally we have weather that people in the northern states might even call hot.

Or they could just do 4 cubed.

I really wish Kinja could introduce a feature like to suggest edits to an Article. It’d be a win win for everyone. We wouldn’t have loads of comments that are just spelling corrections and they’d get articles that are grammatically correct.

I’d actually say that battery life is more impressive. If it genuinely can run at 20 hours w/o noise cancellation and isn’t too uncomfortable it would be good enough for people to use for a whole day, basically regardless of how often they use them.

I’d actually say that battery life is more impressive. If it genuinely can run at 20 hours w/o noise cancellation

It’s possible, although unlikely, that F-droid would work. If it did you may be able to get a more advanced browser.

Of course silverlight doesn’t run, you’ve already pointed out that the echo runs a version of android and two seconds of googling would show you that Microsoft don’t provide a version of Silverlight for Android.

My 50 years figure I meant able to go into production/ be cheap enough to go in many cars. Lithium Ion batteries had been worked on since the 70s but the first commercial LI-Ion wasn’t released until 1991.