Oliver Baker

It’s possible that VWs hatchbacks are more reliable than their sedans and CUVS. We almost certainly buy more Golfs than you, and, AFAIK, they don’t even sell the Up stateside.

Do you know if VW being thought as unreliable an American thing? In the UK we tend to think of German Brands (including Volkswagen) as being quite reliable but I’ve heard lots of people on Jalopnik claim VW have a horrific reliability.

Yes, of course we do. Occasionally we have weather that people in the northern states might even call hot.

Or they could just do 4 cubed.

I really wish Kinja could introduce a feature like to suggest edits to an Article. It’d be a win win for everyone. We wouldn’t have loads of comments that are just spelling corrections and they’d get articles that are grammatically correct.

I’d actually say that battery life is more impressive. If it genuinely can run at 20 hours w/o noise cancellation and isn’t too uncomfortable it would be good enough for people to use for a whole day, basically regardless of how often they use them.

I’d actually say that battery life is more impressive. If it genuinely can run at 20 hours w/o noise cancellation

My 50 years figure I meant able to go into production/ be cheap enough to go in many cars. Lithium Ion batteries had been worked on since the 70s but the first commercial LI-Ion wasn’t released until 1991.

Taste is subjective, it’s quite likely that if you’ve drunk diet sodas for most of you life you’ll find that taste better than the full-fat one.

I think the problem comes from when people decide that because Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi are “Healthier” than their full-fat versions you can drink as much as you like of them.

Worth pointing out I couldn’t find any credible sources but there are meant to be more than 300 years of production if we produce at the current rate.

I don’t personally know the Canadian system but I don’t think they’re the most left wing programme of western countries. Currently in the UK perscription drugs have a flat fee of £8.60. We also provide free dental care to under eighteens.

I don’t necessarily know if this’ll work but you tend to be more likely to get ungreyed by either posting answers on Q and A posts or by the smaller sub blogs of the main ones. IE Skillet for Lifehacker, Steamed for Kotaku and Lanesplitter for Jalopnik. 

I can’t really tell what your opinion on this is. You started off complaining about the BBC wasting money because it’s state funded and then decide that because we aren’t forced to pay for it everyone just watches for nothing.

In the UK you are allowed to own a TV without the license provided you don’t watch any TV. As in you can use a TV for DVDs and Blu-Rays without one.

He has been a radio presenter for years and currently has a morning radio show on one of the largest radio stations in the UK (BBC radio 2).

He wasn’t disgraced. No one liked him presenting top gear. There is a bit of a difference. He’d been known and big for years in the UK before Top Gear and isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

The BBC technically isn’t mandatory. You can refuse to pay the license fee and just make do without any TV channels or BBC catch up. The BBC isn’t perfect, not by any means, but they are politically the closest to centre we will ever get which wouldn’t happen with a for-profit company.

Your first point I completely agree with, for the second point I was trying to say GM should release a Corsa alongside an Astra to have a Fiesta and Focus competitor.