Oliver Baker

I didn’t think the US and Soviet Union put ICBMs there. I thought it was, at least a majority of IRBMs so they would have the ability to fire without retaliation from the target being as simple.

I may be wrong about this but I thought ICBMs are, at least as much as range, about how the missile is delivered. IE a missile that travels from NK to Japan through the upper atmosphere would be an ICBM and one that travels from the USA to Brazil in, comparatively, low atmosphere would be an IRBM. I know that IRBMs

If definitely was true ten or so years ago. We, at least in the UK, had a massive jump in the number of diesel vehicles early to mid 2000s’. The EU is now either considering or has enacted stricter NOx emission levels although they may still be stricter in terms of CO2 emission.

There was a point where they looked like they were going to start removing most of the bloat from their phones and make it optional. I wish they’d go back to doing that.

Oil is treated as a finite resource due to the time it takes to create more. If we used up all reserves we had this year we would effectively run out for at least a decade provided a new source wasn’t found.

I don’t know but I agree that AR seems like it would be better than VR for this sort of thing. VR seems similar to browsing an actual store whereas AR would, like you said, allow you to see how products would look in your room.

As far as i’m aware that’s the point of shutting down the email addresses. Many of these attacks only provided email to contact so if you remove the email address people can’t contact them to provide the money.

They quite possibly did. If they think they’ll infect 50000 computers and 15000 of those pay the fine for $300 vs 1000 for $3000. They’re more likely to choose the first option.

Even more so because many of them are now charging less for decryption, probably hoping more people will pay, so if you shut it down as soon as possible you’re more likely to cut off their revenue stream significantly.

I was only really saying that the study seemed quite obvious but there are reasons why many people can’t follow it although I admit I worded my original response badly.

Maybe you want to look at Pixels list of comments. He’s done multiple ones that aren’t political as well.

That doesn’t seem to be what the study shows although I may have misinterpreted your comment.

That seems like common sense. This study seems to show people that can’t check and people that can quickly check without any real middle ground so it isn’t clear how much more effective it’d be to leave your phone in another room vs just ignoring it 90% of the time.

Doesn’t seem like the most useful of studies to be honest. Most people don’t have the option to leave their phone at home either because their work requires them to be easily accessible or because they wan/need to be able to talk to family in an emergency.

Google doesn’t, at least in the UK require a phone number. I agree that they’ll bitch at you if you don’t but technically you don’t need one.

You can ship it back in one piece, the Korean war was over 25 years ago however I think Mr Tracy might want it for himself so you might have him tell you it isn’t legal.


That car is banned under U.S. import laws and isn’t allowed to be for sale

It was, and probably still is an option on Touchwiz (Samsungs android skin). As many people have a Samsung phone of some type it may well seem like it’s in vanilla but AFAIK it isn’t

To be fair there is an argument for wanting people of a certain sex. I know Doctors/Nurses are professional but patients aren’t and may well want someone of the same sex if they are going for a personal reason, STIs etc. However for most injuries it seems pointless.