Oliver Baker

I know this is an unpopular view but i’m not really sure Jalopnik is big enough to survive on its own. At least as a full time job. Also if Jalop keeps foxtrot alpha there’d still be quite a lot of political articles.

Because Britian knows better than all it’s damn ex-colonies (minus India and Australia)

This post is from 2010 as is the comment chain you’re replying to. Back then the Kotaku Comments system needed an @ to show who you were replying to.

It was probably the recent Google Phising Attempt

So you’d rather you don’t know how good a Bethesda game is before buying it? Admittedly most of their games are good and single player so you could just wait but some people may then get plot points spoiled. The point of a review isn’t to help the publisher, it’s to help the consumer. Them having a blanket refusal of

To be honest it sort of makes sense even if crash history didn’t kill resale values. For example if you had a car made out of the strongest steel they can get for the price versus one with multiple crumple zones then it seems clear that if they both hit a tree (for example) at around 30MPH the one with the crumple

It isn’t always to the left. The US already has a right bias so most sites based in another country may seem left leaning but Fox and Brietbart and across the pond most of Murdochs stuff is quite right wing for it’s respective country. Also this is a cross post from a different blog “”

It’s a cross post from Vitals. I agree Kinja should be more clear when an article is cross posted but to be honest i’d damn well expect a blog that talks about health and is based in the US to mention any changes that may happen to health insurance and other stories about it.

Cross post from vitals. They talk about health of course they’ll write an article about health insurance.

If you argue life is precious before the babies born surely it’s more so afterwards.

No it isn’t the Lifehacker you’ve read since 2008, it’s actually a cross post from vitals with a different logo which talks about health so of course they’ll mention health insurance policies.

In your car analogy it’s like paying for others that are insured by your insurance company which is what happens.

Kimmel would pitch in yes, a system like this would be tax funded and I presume he pays quite a lot of tax. Obamacare may not be a well-designed system but this could well be as it was trying to be a half-way system. It’s unlikely socialised healthcare is a huge disaster if most OECD countries use it to at least some

I know this won’t happen with a repub government or most likely with a democrat one but if the Government gets completely involve, IE Universal Healthcare than it quite probably won’t get worse.

Yes but you need to consider many people can’t work for someone else immediately just to get better insurance. Also as others have said as health care is an essential part of life it’ll have huge profit margins if it can.  

The problem seems to be half-way solutions rarely work. I personally think the US should adopt a universal system but realise the problems that may occur from having a country that currently has a very large medical industry switching to a mainly government based system.

The US public school system is socialist, that’s where most Americans would’ve had their simple English lessons.

That seems like a decent system, if not something of that elk wouldn’t be offered in basically every other OECD.

As others have said, I’d say Jimmy being able to afford it actually makes him a better example. He, probably, gains from a Repub Congress and less government intervention but still believes it’s wrong. Admittedly you could be cynical and say he’s just doing it for his son or because his network forced him too but that

It was cross-posted from Vitals. It’s Kinja being Kinja and not making it obvious the article was a cross-post.