
I think you mean 'smarterer'.

"…I'll take it."

Heyyy another person remembers Zoids! #LigerZero5eva

Ah you posted it before I could! Laughed my ass off during that scene!

I was hoping that when the Waif closed the door, Arya would stand up & reveal the blood was a hoax or some junk & she was going to wreck her shit.
But no. I guess she kept bleeding out & was wildly poking in the dark until she hit her.

Nah. Cersei doesn't do emotions anymore.

Tell your gods to ready for blood.


Oh man, how sweet would it have been if she ran into him while she was bleeding out.
"Boy, what do we say to the God of death?"
"…not today."

I was more bothered about how cavalier Meera was in making Hodor sacrifice himself after looking stricken with Summer & Leaf.
*Summer jumps at wights*
Meera: Summer noooo!
*Leaf blows herself up*
Meera: Leaf noooo!
*Hodor, utterly terrified against the door*
Meera, running past: Fuck you Hodor, you hold the door you piece

I always thought the White Walkers looked a bit doofy.
Doof on, Night King.

I initially read that as 'the Jar-Jar of the Stark family' and it made my day.

Maybe Aggo is like John for the Dothraki.
Everyone knows an Aggo.

They see me rowin'
They hatin'
Patrolling, they tryin' to catch a rowing Gendry


It's team Lagertha. It's always been team Lagertha.

Scrolling through the comments & no one mentioned the Charlie Day yoga pose at the end? Am I the only one who paused that? That's one fine little man.

Oh, hello, Mabel. Here’s a bachelor. No, I’m withholding him. Look at me, “getting off.”

Setting: Gaveyard, far-distant future.
Camera zooms in on crumbling tombstone.
"Here lies idiotking. YouTube never agreed with him."

'Youtube agrees with you' is not something I ever expected to read.