listicles are OMG WEAK FAIL

Bit early to say that yet… At 18, Amanda Bynes was also known for being incredibly clean and well-adjusted but look at her reputation now. Lindsay Lohan was also apparently making good decisions still and putting in good performances at 18. The machine still has time to chew her up yet.

Wow, I had no idea there was such a range. Although, I suppose it makes sense for tobacco products to be cheaper in a state that grows it. That's very informative, thank you!

It's a combination of price and quality. A pouch of tobacco and papers will not only often be cheaper to buy but also give you a chance to make many times the amount of cigarettes you would get from a single pack of pre-rolleds thereby offering much better value for money on a fairly expensive luxury item. Are the

The answer is even simpler - Marlboro is available literally everywhere that sells cigarettes, whereas in all my years as an English smoker I've never seen a single place that stocks any of those fancier brands you mention, despite them being popular elsewhere on the continent. Although really any serious smoker over

In that case, as somebody who grew up one town over let me assure you that it is NOT difficult to find girls who like coke around here and it is also NOT really a place the child of a megastar should ever need to be. I can't imagine what happened in order for Tom Hanks' son to find himself in Crawley but I'm sure it

Wait, did this happen in Crawley or did it happen in London? Because it can't be both things, no matter what tired memes say otherwise.

He will make you retroactively responsible for the Number Four screenplay, don't fuck with him.

Although the article above says it was co-written, in fact I Am Number Four was credited to a single author, suggested to be a pseudonym of Frey. The fact that it was written entirely by someone else and at best edited by Frey was basically an open secret until it was later confirmed.

I think there actually is an ongoing Mutanimals book from IDW at the moment.

For "co-wrote", read, " owns a content farm which pays unknown writers $250 to ghost write entire books to be sold as films and threatens them with a $50,000 fine if they publicly admit to writing them." He's a real talent, I can see why Hollywood are reluctant to lose him.

Nah, then we call International Rescue. They've got a guy up there already.

Why is an MI5 agent working to track someone internationally? They're a domestic security force! Call MI6! This is probably why he dropped out.