
Waikiki, Honolulu and/or Oahu: I live there and people who visit are remarkably underwhelmed and disappointed by the endless traffic, crowds and sliver of a beach that constitutes Waikiki.

Haggle free pricing is fine for some but doesn’t solve the underlying concerns of inattentive buyers.

Huh, I guess Garrison Keillor was right: ‘mostly wholesome.’

During college, someone broke into dorm rooms and took dumps in a drawer of the occupant’s dresser. This “terrorist” earned the nickname, the “Mad Crapper”.

I’d rather people watched videos than conduct business while in the bathroom.

If you can pull it off, it is probably best to present her with all relevant information in a non-biased manner that isn’t intended to sway her one way or the other, and then let her have time to make her decision. Express your love and support no matter what choice she makes.

For the love of God, at least give a buck to your UberX driver: we’re fuckin’ dying out here.

Minor experience on my part: network constantly on social media, email and, if possible YouTube. Really boils down to being an incessant pest until you hit the right person who will champion your cause, and/or find enough people to donate. Best of luck!

Uber needs a better system; current one is prone to errors and “sliding” pin drops.