If you opt out of something, it means you don’t want to participate. If you keep showing up to the meetings, you are part of it. Looks like security’s going to have to escort some people out of the next meeting if they self invite.
One more reason why QEI never got married, b/c fuck that noise.
Excellent tale. Poison is just so much tidier though:)
I want to star this twice. I hate Monsanto for multiple reasons (mostly involving intellectual property protection), but glyphosate (and their GMO products as well) don’t deserve the smearing they get.
The ideas that glyphosate is not especially toxic and that Monsanto is run by a bunch of money grubbing dirt bags who would poison their own grandmothers for a buck are not mutually exclusive.
I assume the poster means logistical in the sense that we have the ability to make enough food for the entire world to eat (due to GMOs), but since food spoils and people live in different places it hasn’t solved the hunger crisis worldwide.
Oh no a internet meme told me Monsanto is bad, I better believe every lie made up about them.
A chemical company might have to resort to such means if they are under attack by a regulatory body and the attack is political, not scientific as in the case of the IARC Report which was discredited by an EPA Panel in 2016 when Obama was still President.
Code 45* o’ the day:
A former coworker of mine had difficulty getting an ectopic pregnancy terminated in Texas. She said it was terrifying, and took about two weeks from the time of diagnosis. She ended up losing the fallopian tube too.
You are 100% correct. I lived in a Catholic county, (Argentina), abortion was banned , but not criminalised at that time, but there was no question that ectopic pregnancies were to be terminated.
Did Scaramucci say he intends to spend more time with his family?
They think women should die trying to bring men’s children into the world.
Divorced, lost his job...The Mooch is one dead dog away from being a country song cliche.
“...I would never accept a role knowing it would harm another actor...”
when they announced his name, i spent 2 whole days beign unable to fully concentrate because i kept writing bohemian rhapsody parody lyrics in my head. never fully coalesced in a full parody but some good limes were “scaramucci, scaramucci, can you do the trumps scandal” and “nothing really matters, anyone can see,…
My god, that’s brilliant.