Ortrud and Tosca take over the world

Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]

Yeah, Cosby, because the thought of someone making you ingest something against your will and knowledge is pretty fucking horrifying, huh?

Why do I reckon the Venn diagram of “kids whose parents are challenging anti-Islamophobia programme” and “kids who have a history of Islamophobic bullying” is two concentric circles?

Jeez, what an overreaction on the part of the school board. It’s almost like they think a wave of racism recently elected a closet white supremacist who immediately began implementing a xenophobic bigoted domestic agenda that targeted Muslims specifically. Racism? In America? Come on, it’s not 1957 anymore. Everyone

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

We’d really waste less time if we simply required Kislyak to note all of the American politicians with whom he has met. All on one list, yo!

“MSN reports that Botha fired his rifle on the charging cows, but a fourth swept in and surprised him from the side.”

I love that her handle is TinkerBelle -- always knew that little pixie was a white supremacist and fascist, working to eradicate the local indigenous population while simultaneously taking advantage of the local orphans.

In before the debate even gets started.

Ok, this is why the whole ‘That’s not very feminist’, ‘you can’t do x and be feminist’ thing pisses me right the hell off. People rather be bitching about semantics and titles rather than actually fight for the promotion of women’s equal rights. Who cares what women choose to do with their body, I only care when

Is that a problem? Are you injured in some way? Rick, I’m worried about the effect of my comment on your day. Did I bother you Rick? Do you not like my comment. I really want to know Rick, I care. I care about your feelings and how I must have hurt them. Oh you poor thing.

Listen, fellow White people who are “kind of understanding where they are coming from”, let me help you out here.

Where they are coming from is: “We care more about our mission to protect the feelings of a dead white man than to passively allow racial progress and not be the perpetrators of racist outcomes”.

In the

where’s the lie?

I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.

“What brings us together is that we are very scared, highly unintelligent; both intellectually and emotionally, extremely bigoted, wrong, and soon to be forgotten very quickly.”

As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!

Our mothers built this country while your mothers were out shopping.

We’ve been spite-crafting headshots of Spicey and adding sticks to them plus weatherproofing to put in bushes all over after work. BEST CRAFTING EVER.

This headline sort of says it all...