
Ugh this is such a SICK SICK THING we do.

Girl, this. I’m sorry. 

I also lost weight before my wedding and reached my lowest body weight as an adult. I was working out regularly (but not obsessively), but I’m convinced that the weight loss was due primarily to stress. Shortly after we got engaged, my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so I was dealing with that, wedding

I’m not even talking about men. I’m talking about society at large. Someone once accused my friend of being ‘unprofessional’ because she doesn’t wear makeup.

We just got married and my husband m, pardon my french, looked like crap on our wedding. I prepped with an elaborate hair, skin, weight loss routine for months and he just ... showed up I guess. Still love that fat slob though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

God, when they were lighting that unity candle that clearly came off the clearance shelf at Hallmarks, the one in the failing mall? It was like staring into the abyss.

Amen to this!!! I am sick and tired of visual appearance being used to eyeball health. People don’t know shit about other people’s health just by looking at them nor do they know about other people’s health by looking at their size. I’m a major activist when it comes to fatphobia, and I wish more people knew about the

When my sister was barely eating, there were times I’d managed to get something in her system. Her blood sugar would drop and she’d be terrorizing everyone who shared her DNA.

I just commented to say that I, also a very active chubby person, often have made people touch my flexed buns to feel my buns of steel. They are all always shocked.

You know what? I fucking lost weight before my wedding and I looked like shit. It was not intentional, it was due to illness and having to work through that and losing too much too fast, and people fucking COMPLIMENTED ME ON IT. That’s how far gone we are on as culture. I’m sure I looked happy, but damn, I was 15 lbs

There are sooooo many weddings where you want to take the bride aside and demand she not marry this weiner and to instead bless this nice, groomed, healthy adult you’ve got picked out for her, but instead people are just quietly laying bets on the over/under for divorce within eight months.

I detest how society basically is a-ok with men going around looking as if they only have a vague understanding of basic hygiene but if a woman doesn’t wear makeup she’s a disgusting slob.

If that’s truly the case, then how come everyone else (guests, clergy, caterer, photographer, videographer, etc.) manages to show up not looking like shit either?

unless you’re punching my flexed cheeks (something I frequently make my husband do)

I suspect a lot of this is the result of idiot grooms still conducting their bachelor parties the night before the wedding, and other idiot grooms thinking a wedding is something you need to pre-game for and wind up drunk off their asses with all the groomsmen by noon.

Do you remember that “fat” Australian Olympic swimmer? A bunch of shit heads “debated” whether she was “healthy” enough to compete because she didn’t have an “athletic” body.

I dieted only because it was 18 months between buying a consignment dress (could not be let out) and fitting it, and I’d gained 30 pounds thanks to starting a life-saving medication.

As a proud fat athlete this shit makes me furious. Especially because if you’re really going to start working your core/glutes, get ready for them to get bigger before they get smaller. My fat ass has never been fatter. Higher and tighter but unless you’re punching my flexed cheeks (something I frequently make my

Wanna know my 100% tried-and-true, surefire, guaranteed way to fit your fat ass into a wedding dress?