
I’m in a “fuck all y’all straight to hell”. Not only the predators but their buddies and enablers and other adjacent hangers-on who directly or indirectly benefitted from each of these scumbags’ careers.

I’m honestly surprised there have been no suicides.

Jeremy Piven seems to be under the impression that people liked him before the allegations came out. Bless his heart.

Fuck you Piven. I bet he’s been shitting himself for weeks. They all are.

Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.

As a professional writer (though contributing ATM) the correct way to respond to a reader correction is “Whoops! Thanks for caching that! Fixed!”

This is an appropriate response if this were a facebook post. But, you’re a contributing writer...and the op was pretty chill already...

“holy shit it was a typo chill” is not an appropriate response level reply to a helpful correction. the poster did not berate you so your aggressive response is neither warranted nor professional. So maybe you should chill.

I... wasn’t it already a chill reply?

English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.

her 39-person bridal party

It is beyond disgusting that anyone has to deal with this but Sia handled it like a fucking boss.

This stuff may in fact be the worst pizza in the world. I include some of the cheaper frozen pizzas you can find at the grocery store when you’re broke and hungry.

Any guy who has to tell you he’s a feminist is trying to make everything about him, and is not a feminist.

I’m confused by the whole set up. The article described the guy’s column as “a satire of male feminism and allyship” and when I read a few snippets of a column, he seems like a woman-hating asshole. But this was on the Vice property “aimed at women?” Did any women actually read this guy’s column? What was the

And, if my anecdata from college can be trusted, approach every self-proclaimed male feminist with a healthy dose of skepticism, as they have a nasty habit of mansplaining feminism to you and/or using it as a buzzword to try to wheedle you into casual sex with them. (Because if you were a good feminist, you’d be

men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.

“It’s NOT PTSD if you got over it in six months.” If you’re not this guy’s doctor or therapist, you can sit yourself right down. You know nothing at all about his case.

Ah yes, the old “this is how I react in this situation, so everyone else should react exactly the same way even though we all come from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences that makes up the spectra of human existence - additionally, I’m offended at people’s reactions that differ from my own” line.

Pretty sure it wasn’t PTSD...pretty sure it was being pissed off at missing a chance to hold Spacey up for some real money (i.e. - pay me or I’ll squeal)!