*jerking-off motion*
*jerking-off motion*
DFW intensely loved dogs, and his harassing, stalking and threatening women with violence made him a really fascinating guy and great writer. Got it.
Yeah, you know what occurs when that happens?
Well, now these upper-class children’s parents can spend their resources and time currently wasted on apartheid addressing the problems of schools which were formerly just a pet facebook cause and are currently of more pressing direct concern. Shit, so some lesser-income kids get to go to better schools and the…
I am so fucking sick of this shit. Mainstream and prominent conservatives endlessly mocked Michelle Obama for having the audacity to look good while wearing fairly moderate sleeveless dresses and wanting to ensure children ate well! They both intimated as well as outright called her a man and a monkey/ape! Those that…
Slap pregnant troop in face - Fine.
Kneel during a song - Destroying America.
It’s almost like there’s some sort of connection here... about a certain type of person... who doesn’t respect another, different type of person... But, I can’t figure it out.
What is this coveted status Tony Robbins and George Will seem to think accusers enjoy? These turds think Anita Hill or Rose McGowan or Andrea Constand are walking around with a #MeToo punch card where if you accuse nine high profile men of sexual misconduct, you get a free mani/pedi with the tenth accusation.
People still go to Tony Robbins seminars? I thought he turned into one giant fossilized tooth years ago.
It is considered the correct thing to do. They are collected and sent to the hospitals usually where everyone is thrilled to have them.
Problem is, there’s no objective minimum standard for “responsibility.” Nobody has to train, take a test, regularly refresh their skills, get certified or do much of anything before they can call themselves “responsible.”
“Rollins obtained the Glock handgun that he used to murder Jaelynn from his own home.”
A friend of mine lives right down the road; Jaelynn was her good friend’s daughter.
That’s why he’s so angry all the time.
There is no way he has genitals. He’s just all....smooth
Somebody’s banging the whole White House
Wait, doesn’t everyone go around the table at Thanksgiving and list who their sexual partners were (and were not) before the meal is served? No? Just the Brando and Pryor families then. OK.
Why in the fuck does there need to be more than one accuser?!
The left opposes being so uncomfortable with gay people that you want to see them be psychologically tortured until they’ve been convinced they’re not gay anymore because that is Bad, Actually.
So would the VP.