
Your first line... bingo. abbyvie is presenting the very attitude that righteously /knowingly put an unqualified idiot into your white house. And it’s not to do with 45, it predates him. Dangerous and embarrassing lives in the attitudes of the abbyvies before it’s demonstrated in real life consequence like 45.

Enough has come out about his whackadoodle religion and home that by now we should all know it’s HIS WIFE’S FAULT if he was cheating. Duh. Following that logic, it must be HIS MOTHER’S FAULT that he sexually assaulted his sisters, neighbours, babysitters, whathaveyou, prior to making him a wife’s responsibility. What

Sex with him, ugh? How bad can it be? Everybody’s doing it.  Bahdumbum

right? I wondered if he took them off and put them back in the box when the photog was done.

if you truly see differences, and you really believe that about America, you probably have a better read on it than I do.  I would suggest that it’s about as possible to become a new familial dynasty in the US today, as it is to breach the aristrocracy in UK. It’s possible, but what blood is to UK aristrocracy, money

The salivating that the media does these days in anticipation of headlines is off-putting. Any chance we could not talk about this lady’s death every god-damned day from now until it happens? Pressure to die as a media courtesy must be a big drag.

Lots of smart answers, mine is just pragmatic. It’s not like the U.S. has this whole ‘running a country’ thing all sewed up, so while it may not be optimal, it’s certainly no worse ultimately than any other model. Additionally, Americans do so put up with the exact equivalent of monarchy and elites. They simply lack

I could be wrong, but I disagree. I was so pleased to see Vanessa model strong-woman behaviour so beautifully... despite being drop-dead gorgeous, she clearly doesn’t ‘wiggle and giggle’ for anyone. QC women are strong, clear, independent, opinionated as generalizations. Just like our Vanessa.

name that sack of shit, someone please. I did not think the ‘managing partner’ or whatever kind of cheese he was at PwC was going to get sacked, so there’s hope in this case, even if only the hope of bigger frat brahs trying to salvage their public’s perception.

awesome. And how long after that until corporations are taking out life insurance policies (which we already know they do) on the weak herd and upping the process to actually offing them for profit?

Perhaps it vanished when UO realized that Maitre d’s have been perfecting this look by tucking nappies under chins for hundreds of years?

Well, Ken, first, getting all huffy about the distinction between an allegation and an indictment is slightly less-so moral high ground when the allegated-against paid 2 cash settlements. I’m not suggesting it makes him guilty, but it sure as shit clouds the ‘completely not guilty’ narrative. Moreover, really - have

Good. Since the dangerous precedent has been set, and there are no end of profit interests lining up to make money off the warehousing and forced labour of detainees, the only thing that is likely to stop it (at least under Cheetolini) is financial loss to those intending to profit. Sue them off the face of the

that’s laughable. Conservatives use terms related to Liberty and Patriotism to name everything from their radio shows to thier websites and flyers to their pets and children and probably their skin tags. They are obsessed, fixated and think their perspective alone indicates anything related to liberty or patriotism.

This guy and Josh Duggar.... the christian right’s attempts to demonstrate their values in politics/gov’t.

America has become so anxious to sell the film rights to the death scene, that they forget that their loved one isn’t dead yet and pay zero attention to whether that death can be prevented. This bullshit and the whole chasing OJ as a reality star - moral zero as entertainment, distract from reality with the same crap

the country should take the same approach to Trump businesses that Scientology took to the IRS. Millions of businesses and individuals should launch lawsuits, until that sorry shitstain makes sparks distancing himself from his businesses.

consider the provenance... they were plucked from random contestants on a child pageant reality show because their white-trash-ness made them stand out, even in that milieu, as extra-juicy. Admittedly the whole pedophile angle was a bit more than reality tv can usually hold it’s nose and get past, but.

Now playing

watch The Magdelene Sisters - it gives four (I believe) different stories of why young Irish women were incarcerated in these homes - often for life once the baby was born or died- becoming slaves to the RC Church for life, for the sin of (maybe) becoming pregnant....

Now playing

If you’ve never seen these, they just might cure you of Nancy-ear-and-eye-offence-syndrome... check for more if you like - very funny....