
right? Investors - full snort. Downstream scalpers screwed over by upstream scalpers. I need to go sit down and cry.

It struck me that the show made a Big Deal out of pointing out - several times - that Eden’s sister is both a former friend or companion of Kim’s and dead of a drug overdose. I couldn’t help wondering back then, if Eden has unfinished business with the facts or myth of how those two things go together. She sure is

These people find it rude and inconvenient when American women exercise their constitutional right to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech?

Umm, yeah, Chach? To paraphrase your grand poobah... I prefer aging, C-list, sitcom ‘stars’ who, ahh, don’t need a teeny middle aged woman to fight their fights.

Well sure, Sean, but here’s the thing. The ‘whole world’ isn’t just watching him. They’re watching you, the entire ‘cabinet’ (if you can call perhaps the most sophisticated organized crime network in history, a cabinet), and the reaction of the US citizenry. Sell this polished turd (redefining history and intense

good thing you’re so settled and confident in the ‘he won, comments are useless’ position. You did well there, repping the ‘nothing to say’ camp.

Breaking news flash from the future. Lori and/or Lauren actually get pregnant, gain any kind of context of what this really means, leave skid marks getting themselves in to an abortion provider and suddenly have a fresh, new, meaningful, lived experience, ‘rubber hits the road’ opinion on things.

Chapter One: In which the slide from democracy has only begun in earnest, and in which the majority of the population will sell each other out and agree to persecution of selected groups, if it means their own group will be ‘left alone’ for a little while longer.

‘Trump-humping’. That’s it - the title for this new construct (ahem, ABC) of jamming free and unwarranted press attention up his ass while ignoring obvious, critical news-worthy issues that surround him. Yes.

wait for it.... perhaps she’ll get replacement Ambassador

“...Rep. Lewis likely knows he is putting himself in a very scary and unpredictable line of fire...”

that’s exactly what I was going to say.... fuck you ABC. Seriously. One part of the press can’t get normal info and answers to report on, the other side CONTINUES to trip over themselves to jam their heads up his ass. That bullshit tabloid behavior got him there in the first place. Everything you said. Fuck ABC, their

Tomi is a human development example. 4 year old girls who are savvy enough to know that if they pull their dress over their head and insist on speaking to people in that stance, they will get more attention than the next kid (even as they don’t understand why), turn into 24 year-olds desperately trying to shock and

how backwards do ones priorities need to be (or perhaps how cushy does ones life need to be) to have suspension of a social media app appear to be first amendment infringement? But that suspending a giant douche canoe on twitter actually prevented him from saying anything else, anywhere, at all. What a wonderful world

all my suspects are a generation older than Pitt

totally agree - I like her very much, but it makes me chuckle that LVP falls back on ‘ohh it’s only British humour, love’. Well, sure, there’s some truth to that. There is more truth in the notion that she uses the construct of British humour as a shield to hide behind when slipping something intentionally bitchy into

her worry appeared to be at the ‘this will bugger my instagram’ level

don’t stop there - finish that fact.... the tracked wild male Orcas die as consequences of their natural, free, wild life. Fighting, hunting, etc. So sure, if you like, but I’ll throw your ‘not really’ right back at you.

 between toad-climbing and maintaining that accent, my money says she’s on an all-benzos, all the time, kind of diet.

Make it stop. Half a dozen NEW documentaries and that little fictional piece from CBS in the last year alone. Oh but I’m sure your take makes it all relevant and fascinating, Netflix. I would hazard a guess that local folks would have only one thing left to say to documentarians.... “piss off!”.