“[O]ne young woman asked Harris about ‘partial birth abortion[.]ʼ ‘There’s no such thing,’ she told them.”
“[O]ne young woman asked Harris about ‘partial birth abortion[.]ʼ ‘There’s no such thing,’ she told them.”
This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!
“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”
What message does this Pentagon policy send to female service members who are or may become pregnant?
The article sort of glossed over the larger context about what the Ohio legislature is trying to do, so here’s the full info, because it makes this crazy lady’s raving all the more terrifying:
“A child’s body is “not designed to have disgusting death instruments remove her pre-born child from her womb,” she said, claiming this “is a statistical fact.”-“
Man, I always thought the main reason I shouldn’t get into politics is too much weed and no college degree...the pro-life lunatics however have taught me that I wouldn’t be able to do my job without screaming obscenities at these fuckin clowns in hearings like this. “Ma’am did you just try to tell me with a straight…
For folks who purport to want to ‘protect children’, they play pretty fast and loose with the definition. Not that I expect anything less of them.
Yes, a woman’s body is meant to carry life. A WOMAN’S BODY. A 10-year-old is not a woman, you miserable piece of shit. Fuck you, Streitmann.
Been wondering the same as to why people still act all surprised and offended whenever this happens. Nintendo’s stance has been quite clear and you’re walking on thin ice if you decide to base your content on modded stuff. They should be well aware of the risk of getting caught in the enforcement policies.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You know that whole thing about not feeding the trolls???
It’s a matter of time before a woman dies due to being denied abortion services for these situations.
I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be…
Woke cancel culture trying to erase history again. If you rename the house, how will anyone ever know Salazar Slytherin ever existed. The real Death Eaters are the Order of the Phoenix.
It’s really disheartening for someone to have their own story taken from them, by their own parent no less, and they are only 16.
And this is what’s unworkable in the long term for these kinds of bans. If they react to parent’s complaints and remove them, they need to equally react to parent’s complaints and replace them.
“Free speech is under assault by liberals!” I cry as I empty the library shelves of anything icky.
This is 100% what’s going to happen.