
Same. I’m a little ashamed—and more than a little perturbed—by the feelings of hopefulness positivity that came over me, even for a moment. I thought “holy shit—have I not been wasting EVERY wishbone, lucky star, and birthday wish for the past few years?!”

Thought Peter Thiel died for a second. Damn. 

Given how fucking desperate rich old Japanese men are about the plunging birth rate of slaves for them to profit off of, I can definitely see the confusion.

My girlfriend and I wanted to play this, but we’re on the fence about getting Japanese citizens pregnant. We have a lot on our plate already.

Does the prequel include a wage high enough to support another human life?

(If this ends up being some bullshit gacha game I will still enjoy watching all the cutscenes on YT 100x more than most games I will actually play this year)

“Abortion harms not only the unborn children who are killed, but also the fathers who have had their fatherhood stolen from them”

What a fuckin' wuss. Do you have any idea the protests abortion providers and patients have to wade through? You can't take the heat for one day? 

Kacsmaryk will issue an injunction to stop the distribution of this drug nationwide”

Stop tolerating people who vote for Republicans. If you haven’t already. Move past “we don’t talk politics at Thanksgiving” and start telling your uncle he’s not welcome in your house. How politely do we intend to accept our own oppression.

People who think sexism doesn’t exist or that women get some kind of “pussy pass” privilege are either fucking delusional, or they themselves are powerful elites who benefit from this bullshit system.

When someone who has power over you at your workplace propositions you for sex, they have enormous ability to punish you for saying no or continue harassment afterwards.

It is orders of magnitude more dangerous and damaging than internet commentators - and those aren’t harmless, either.

Imagine streaming on twitch because there’s less harassment.

I mean, the problem with that logic is that their supposed pro-choice stance was basically to say “I’m pro-choice” and then run away when the creeps showed up at the clinic. They didn’t even fight for a second before giving in; and yeah, I know they’re controlled by a corporate board that doesn’t give a shit either

There’s a great section in White Fragility about this very thing.

>>State Rep. Brad Sherman (R, duh) sponsored both measures, but said they don’t mean queer people can’t believe in marriage. “If they want to call their relationship a marriage, they are free to do so; that is freedom,” Sherman told NBC News via email. “But, by the same token, people who do not define same-sex unions

Jesus fucking Christ.

There’s going to be a ton of really insecure guys wondering about who their girlfriend is fucking while they’re on that business trip when they read this and go though all their social media photos to realize their significant other has an “untamed” pussy.

My dad was right. The Internet will be

Ah yes, the old bathing suit and beret combo.  

Ma’am this is an Arby’s.

How to be a shitty person: