
And thanks to Saint’s Days, every day is a holiday for the eating if you want it to be!  

Ugh, do we HAVE to give it to Karen?

I don’t care how large it is, I just want it to respect me.  A small game crafted with detail and love is worth my time and money more than a budget that was stretched so thin the final product has the staying power of tissue. 

Four is too strong a pattern. Into the trash he goes!

He seems so happy about it. Embrace your best self, dude!

At least the judge didn’t play along...?  Look, I spend most of my waking hours in Kansas. I gotta find silver linings. 

What a sad sack of crap. A real example of someone who’s anti-choice but does the right thing anyways was former SG Koop, who, despite enormous pressure from the Reagan admin and religious institutions AND his own personal beliefs developed through years of surgery on newborns with birth defects, said there was no

But bootstraps cost money. ☹️

The State “ranks as the state with the most [medical] challenges for women, infants, and children” but is silent on ex- panding Medicaid. Ryan Sit, Mississippi has the Highest Infant Mortality Rate and is Expected to Pass the Nation’s Strictest Abortion Bill, Newsweek, March 19, 2018. Its leaders are proud to

I have this argument with my sister every year. “I just don’t BELIEVE in the flu shot.” And this year I lost my temper and said “It’s not a fucking religion, bitch, it’s science.”

You’re probably right. It’s just so easy for everything California and beyond to color his entire schtick, and really weird to go, “okay, yeah, he ended his life as the tyrannical despot of a commune, BUT”.

He definitely didn’t go from Jeckyll to Hyde just by crossing some borders. From what I’ve read he was a power-hungry manipulative nutter from the get-go, it just got more obvious as time went on as he got more comfortable with his power and went from taking some of the drugs to all of the drugs.

Good luck. My sister’s is 26, but she made him the way he is, so fat chance he’s gonna grow from it. I can’t disown the lot without breaking my mother’s heart, but after she’s dead all bets are off.

My 35-yr-old virgin ass is proof that lace panties aren’t a penis-whistle.

Aht is the best so long as you can keep her alive long enough to become the best.

It’s probably one of those things That Asshole Paul said. 

If this ultimately leads to a savory revival I’ll be happy as all get out. I love that herb. 

I’m happy for KS.  Seriously.  ...but... if they could spread some of the D votes over to Missouri so I could stop drinking about Hawley I’d be super grateful.

Also Lee’s Summit! It was an hour and a half where I was at 6:30 a.m.  I’m super envious of your wait time! I’ve got my fingers crossed for our state House and Senate reps, but Cierpiot did his due diligence earlier in the year personally door knocking around the neighborhoods and charming little old ladies like my