
JLaw and her team are incredibly good at this self-promotion game...

Maybe she came down already... :X

That is blasphemy.

I just realized that mean girls is to these kids what breakfast club or 16 candles was to kids my age, which means I AM OLD.

I've had crap comments about my weight at gyms and on the street, and it never would have ocurred to me to assume that she was ignorant of or insensitive to such bullying. Try to direct your active fantasy life in a more positive direction. (Oh, and the puppies. She wears boots, so she must kick puppies.)

It's totally shitty that that happens to you, and if these are her views then she is a hypocrite and you have a right to be sceptical about her. But given that pretty much the only thing you know about her is that she thinks rude comments are bad, that seem like a bit of a jump.

Please don't project your issues onto her. You don't even know her or the whole story. I'm sorry that a trainer was mean to you though.

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Did you just say "the victim story?" Right after you commented about not having sympathy for a stranger because of (admittedly awful) experiences you've had with other people at gyms?

So, the only way you can feel sympathy for someone is if they use a platform (questionable, as she might be well-known to fitness buffs but probably not to the majority of Americans) to draw attention to a particular cause, laudable as it may be? Okey doke.

Why does the word trainer evoke such a negative response from you? Would "pregnant woman gets bullied at the gym" do the same?

WTF? Way to make this all about you and your suffering. Funny how your comment accuses her of not having any sympathy toward your situation, yet you are the one here not showing any sympathy toward hers.

Wowza. Talk about a derail.

You don't know whether she does or doesn't stand up for others being bullied. You don't know whether she does or does not take on overweight clients. So snarking on her for not doing something you have no idea if she does just comes off as being a jerk. Direct your anger at the people who have earned it, not at anyone

JAISIS! Imagine she were your friend? I'd backhand the freckles right off her coke jaw. What a gross vapid human she is. And she really hasn't done herself any favours by continuing to live her life like an ass clown while being filmed, like give your fucken head a shake. What a dink.

I agree about the excessive attention to stranger danger, but I assume the mom isn't prepping this child for an outdoor adventure on her own. If you have a 2.5 year old and an 18 month old at the playground and they run off in different directions, you will probably chase after the smaller one, and in that window

At first it was cute, now it's eye-roll worthy. I kinda feel like she's doing it on purpose now because everyone likes the fact that she's goofy and awkward and clumsy, so she's trying hard to be that way all the time.

Is anyone else getting kind of tired of this? 'Oh look, it's JLaw! And she's falling, just like a normal person! How relatable!' Meh.

How old is her kid again?

He's very committed to that hat, isn't he?