Uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she (Kara Brown) isn’t white. But nice try.
That race “means” anything is a social construct. That my skin and hair and features are different from yours and can only get that way because of who my parents are is not. And no, plenty of white people are not perceived as Black. She is not Black because she has not a drop of African blood and is the child of two…
Agreed. There is a time and a place for a protest vote. But, when fascism is at the door, we don’t have time for your shit.
Also there’s a dozen paint markers in the photo.
Well, you’re right about those odds- I’m 47 and have pretty much perfect foot-health. I can’t ask a podiatrist, I’ve never had to visit one. Don’t get me wrong, I wash my feet IF they’re dirty - like when I get back from a day of camping in sandals, or tromping through mud or anything. But by and large I do well just…
Typically, people don’t serve food on their feet, so I’d question this analogy. I don’t know your life, though.
Brad Pitt was likely still in Missouri when the guy from the blind item began raping Corey. Brad Pitt didn’t start pursuing an acting career until ‘86 or ‘87, and most of his early work was in TV. It’s unlikely that the two would have crossed paths.
seriously, how are people that bad at math
The quality of most Jez “articles” is atrocious. These “writers” are largely terrible and clueless. I come here ONLY for the comments, which are, for the most part, a hell of a lot smarter and more insightful than the posts.
What about the fact that alligators can walk on land and there is no restriction about being on the water’s edge?
If you have to go bad enough, no number of kegels will stop it.
A+ for that “Filed to”
Previously, were there any businesses who’s motto was “A brand for Generation X, by Generation X? Or “Boomers, for Boomers?"
You are reaching preeeeetty far there. Trying way too hard.
For the last time, we fucking know this because the linked article told us that the university thought they were dressed in LITERAL BLACKFACE. Not purple face. Not alien face. Not __ face. Black face with literal black paint. They didn’t know at the time that the paint was actually bright purple bc that was the only…
The only reason why people are calling this out is bc of one blurry photo that sort of looked darker. That’s where the outrage came from. There isn’t added cultural context you’re missing. Then when more photos surfaced of what they *actually* looked like (aka NOT BLACKFACE), that should have been the end of the…
No...it’s pretty clear what happened. People saw the original picture and assumed it was black face because it looks like black face due to the poor lighting. Then the other picture where she is clearly dressed like an alien in purple and blue face paint was posted and reasonable, rational people said “Oh, ok, I guess…
Wait how is this a tech startup?
just gets high all day, and he is a man in his 40s. so yeah pretty pathetic