
Yes, she’s mentioned that she wants to call the baby Adrian (he has his father’s eyes).

Add me to that lot.

Super glad I’m not the only one whose mind went to the wrong diaphragm.

Yep, I see nervous and maybe a bit shy.

Totally agree! In one of the pics he looks like he maybe wants to cry—as you know a very common occurrence on the first day!—but in true British form he’s keeping a stiff upper lip. He’s being so brave and it’s so sweet.

You aren’t wrong. I’ve met boys his age with that face. They are incredibly shy and want their mothers for emotional security.

You’re probably right!

Yeah I really love how not into going to school he is in these photos, especially the one where he’s shaking hands with the blonde lady (his teacher I guess?)

I am not really much of a kid person but I really do love this kid’s resting bitch face.

Ivanka means “Meeting Crasher” in Czech.

Exactly. Poor Ernest Martin — though who knows, maybe he ran on a cannibalism platform?

So, a known kiddie fiddler was elected mayor.

I’m pretty sure she’s really just worried he’ll do a whole season about her and her sister.

Oh. So this has nothing to do with Family Feud? I thought it might have to do with an entertaining Richard Dawson anecdote or something. My mistake!

I just wish Philip Seymour Hoffman was still around...

Daniel-Day Lewis is going to come out of retirement, isn’t he?

Actual gif of that moment.

At least Nixon’s relatives must be glad Trump won. Sure, he was racist, terrible person, but at least he tried to keep quiet about it!

“You saw the massive crowd we had,” he said. “The people went crazy when I said, ‘What do you think of sheriff Joe?’ Or something to that effect.”