
Why do so many people sing it like it’s a funeral dirge?

I was going to say...Colbert has performed in Broadway productions with actual Broadway singers and stars...and held his own.

He did a whole Christmas musical special, too! He’s not a very technical singer, and he doesn’t have a huge range, but he has a nice voice and he knows what he’s doing. I’ve always considered him kind of a classic song-and-dance man — he can dance, he can sing, he can tell jokes, he can do improv, he can take a

They are simply respecting the anthem by disrespecting two accomplished singers who are respecting the anthem. CHECKMATE!

“An average man’s abilities?”

The obsession with every liberal being a supposed pedophile is telling, since the right is a master of projection.

“Okay, we need this dude, he’s in.” - translated from the French.

Oh wtf, Samantha was going to try and use the coat of arms? FOR WHAT? Geez, this woman is crazy.

Fun fact: Samantha Markle (BOO) cannot use Meghan’s new coat of arms, and she is BITTER about it (hee!).

It needed to have been made with a fabric that had some stretch added to it so that it could be tailored better and also so it wouldn’t crease across the lower abdomen. I modelled wedding dresses when I was in high school and the ones like Meghan’s were the least comfortable, heaviest, and most expensive because of

What, like it’s hard?

I’m with you. I will defend Britney’s rights to wear and do whatever she wants with her body, that doesn’t mean I have to like it and be fucking positive and shitting rainbows about every damn decision a woman makes. Sometimes women make stupid choices. I’m not about to pretend they don’t.

For the record, she looks fine. She just doesn’t look like *her*. And that is disturbing.

Thanks for your input. I’ll alert Feminism Central of your findings. So, like, what do you think of Eva Braun?

When did feminism start to mean you had to love every woman and never ever say “Gurl, what happened to your face?” without having to take a feminism purity test? Cuz I’m old as fuck and there’s plenty of women I don’t like. Can I still has feminism or is my card revoked?

When you have to ask “why” the answer is always “money”.

‘Charles and Seinfeld shot a pilot together after finding a downed Cessna while hiking. According to Charles, Seinfeld said he had ‘always wanted to play the most dangerous game’.

I know there are people responding you saying that commenting is bad, but just as with everything, the opinions of black people are not a monolith. I, a black woman, with a kinky curly afro welcome comments and compliments about my hair. I find absolutely no offense to a simple comment without pandering.

Same. I really love big hair in general. Big, Texas blonde hair. Big giant frizzy curls. Massive buns resting atop ones head. Afro puffs. Whatever. The bigger the better. I am white, with thick but kind if bland hair, so I wear my hair in little buns all night so I wake up with a big, giant mess atop my head. So yeah,