I would gladly welcome a return of Los Conquistadors.
I would gladly welcome a return of Los Conquistadors.
Justified is the more fun show of the two (and IMO, one of the most fun shows of the decade). Deadwood has its moments of fun, but it's much more a show about character and setting. They're both excellent; they both draw you in in different ways.
So Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is midseason?
Paint has most certainly not been part of Windows for 32 years. Back before Windows 95, it went by the name Paintbrush and had a fantastic simplicity.
In fairness to Justin Bieber, I doubt there are very many circumstances he does foresee.
Yeah I'm partial to Arsenal myself.
Great work, everybody! Since Jake here posted that comment, we've found ourselves in a timeline where Mulaney aired on FOX.
I think having little to do with the books would be a vital necessity for this show to be any good. And I say that as a Douglas Adams fan.
Imagine how psyched Hot Pie will be for the CleganeBowl.
I get it, because it's full of pricks.
It did make The Knick's treatments look perfectly modern and sterile though!
Were they aware of that though? Team Daenerys doesn't seem to have a shit-ton of knowledge of the current political climate of Westeros. Witness Tyrion's surprise to learn about Jon Snow.
Pfft, like being a man of the people is some sort of winning electoral strategy.
We may never know.
But this means Gendry is back in play!
I can't believe the show that gave us the term sexposition (thanks again for that, Myles!) is now resorting to Surprise Hot Piexposition.
I have a thing for trumpet solos. The first one to come to mind is R.E.M.'s 'Endgame', but it's not like that's a track anybody knows.
It's still CFNY! They have some person from some band tell me that once an hour!
Doctor Doom, when done right, is a really compelling character.
I have bought every Wolf Parade release of the past decade in the hope it will be as good as Apologies to the Queen Mary, even though I know deep down it won't be.