Sandy McTire

"Kniiiives for saleā€¦kniiiives for saleā€¦"

Trump Jr. hears them calling, calling for him out in the night. But it's all bad, and he doesn't know that.

Canada 150: Marginally more popular than the Blue Jays!

I've been enjoying this season so far. Much more than last season's plot twists every 5 minutes in place of actual plot.

Well now you've got me wondering how much of Video & Arcade Top 10 was archived.

There really is nothing too obscure for the internet to catalog, is there? I assume if I looked hard enough, I could find a list (with photographs) of Lucky Charms giveaways and alternate boxes.

If memory serves, FOX didn't show the Canadian anthem anyhow. And it was actually an 'all lives matter' reference.

"It's great to be here with all these hardcore legends, and Al Snow."

If it is an illegitimate son, I hope it's Ken Anderson just for the symmetry.

Also, why in the world would WWE want her?

And yet The A.V. Club remains silent on John Cage's 4'33 tour.

Like when Owen Hart fell to his death and the then-WWF decided to go on with the show as usual.


"In the Garden of Eden" by I. Ron Butterfly

Mad Men had vague episode descriptions down to a science. "Sally walks in on an unexpected intruder" being my favourite.

SoundCloud rains down layoff notices

I'm reasonably confident we can beat French Guiana.

The focus on the 55-yard-line really gives it away.

Who sold them pitchforks and torches?!

And they're all giving off a certain vibe of 'No, we're not hamming it up for the camera, this is how we always are.'