Sandy McTire

The same ol' dilemma as all those Canadians who used to claim they would vote for the Bloc Quebecois if only they ran candidates outside Quebec.

I'm still waiting for them to do a season where the Sausage King of Chicago moves into town.

I only recognize one Polka King. His name is Walter Ostanek, he's 82 years old, and he won $1 million in a lottery last year!

I thought the callback to Russ's line would have worked perfectly well without Richard actually saying it.

I liked it as a way to write him out. Nothing else would have seemed quite so plausible.


Big Head felt a bit like he was a parody of Big Head this season in general, and this episode in particular. He was always the weakest coder of the group, but he was many steps above a guy who would use a password/password combo.

Actually, one step forward and two steps back is the plotting of every season of Silicon Valley.

The media's inability to understand how its own incompetence led to the rise of fake news is matched only by its inability to understand what fake news actually is.

Donnie Debussy

Well, we don't care about the young folks.

They're talking about the other Chavo. The Kerwin White Chavo.

Is he having fun yet?!?

Could God make a no-cal calzone zone?

AP may have given in and gone lowercase, but The Canadian Press has yet to follow their lead.

Haywire? It was intentional. Realistically, it's the only way they can compete with CNN's overuse of breaking news graphics.

I would have guessed that the Toronto cocktail was just the special sauce from Burger's Priest.

It's no-bake!

Who pronounces that last O? I mean, other than Americans?

Trahnna or GTFO