Seriously. That car was totally demolished.
Seriously. That car was totally demolished.
This type of pedantry is just annoying.
What does that say? It's all blurry but I'm curious.
Some random stranger on Facebook (I don't know him and have no idea why we're friends) posted an article claiming that Paul Walker was killed by an Obama drone strike. I just can't even what oh my god no.
I would have so much more respect for him (not that it matters in the grand scheme of things) if he chose to just quickly and quietly fade into obscurity.
I love that razor. Mostly because trimming before I shave extends the life of my razor blades by like 70%.
Baby powder helps right after you do it is really helpful.
Jesus, she's annoying.
Yeah. "Big-boned" is often thrown around as a jokey way to play off being overweight, but there's some truth to it. Frame size has a lot to do with it. I'm 5'3, and at my very thinnest in recent memory (high school when I was on the swim team) my lowest weight was 130. I remember reading celebrity weight loss stuff in…
It can depend on how someone carries the weight. I'm pretty close to having an obese BMI, and though some of that is muscle, there is a layer of fat covering all that muscle. But a lot of it is in my boobs, butt, and thighs, so (I think) I don't look almost obese, I just have an acceptable hourglass shape.
I'm so glad.
I hop Cat Marnell is okay.
k, Jacob.
I think it's totally fair to be like, hey can you not do that in front of me. Especially if you're in a car or a house. Smokers should be allowed to make that choice for themselves, but not for you.
They don't. When did we start policing people's poor decision making? When did we decide that we can deny an adult human beings agency just because we disagree with a choice they make?
I know. I reminded him that Facebook is a private company and thus has nothing to do with the first amendment, but he pretended not to hear me.
I said I quit, motherfucker.