
If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...

Not only that but the whole point of this moronic stunt was the show the non-using public about the effects of drug use. A quick google search does just that. Hell, haven’t we all seen the meth mugshot timeline? Also, I don’t need to see what cops see. That’s why I’m not a cop.

When it’s a racial issue, race tends to be mentioned. Sorry if that bugs you.

Seriously, the following states, why are we keeping them? I say we get the people out who know they live in a shithole state and disunite them from the union:

the fact that guy is regularly feted by Conservative press/presidential campaigns is really fucking telling.

Not sure what article you read, but it clearly wasn’t mine.

If you haven’t read the NAF’s lawsuit, you should. It details all the horrible lying (which, by the way, is a direct violation of the 10 Commandments so not exactly Christian) that the CMP did to get their footage, you should. NAF is even suing them for racketeering violations under RICO because they used multiple

Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to

I will not pay my parking ticket then because it’s not right. I don’t believe in parking meters.

My dog is entirely too smart for me to deal with. She follows my commands every single time unless I try "drop it"... she'll never drop it. She knows what it means, she just won't do it. I always have to grab whatever it is out of her mouth. She knows "scoot over" when we're in the bed or "go find Daddy", but dropping