
I’m sure this is something that can be fixed with just the smallest of tweaks to our existing system. And if not, we’ll try again with another small tweak ten years further on.  Because, truly, what’s a life when profits and executive compensation hang in the balance?!

First off, you’re the racist, obviously.

This whole article is racist. Calling out the person calling out a remark as racist for calling out a woman’s racist remarks (when will black people realize ALL lives matter, and that includes BLUE lives matter!) over an obvious race baiting post on Facebook to imply that a school district hired only white officers

Probably because those boys had “bright futures” ahead of them. How dare your friend interfere.

Yes. They are a separate race and they are blue... and their lives matter.  /sarcasm

Actually, yes. They are Übermenschen, to be worshiped and genuflected to; we mere civilians couldn’t possibly understand how special they are and how grateful we should be to them.

The greys are losing their collective shit, as predicted. Its like they didn’t even read, they just saw a line that was inflammatory to them and they took it and ran with it.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Not every life should be celebrated or missed.

Live by the ivory, die by the ivory.

Say hello to our Elderly Lego Man Vice President, wearing his varsity Vice Presidenting jacket and standing, with an