
I honestly think its added value is that an expensive bottle of booze is so ingrained in our idea of enjoying fancy drinks that’s really the part of the experience we’re replacing — drinking just lime and club soda doesn’t feel special because they’re cheap and easily available.

Many bars already have a list of mocktails on their menu, If I’m not mistaken. I just went out the other day and had a spicy jalapeno agave, lime, pineapple and club soda mocktail that was great.

Yeah to me the whole point of something like this would be to have something that doesn’t require a ton of other ingredients or a lot of mixology skill to use. If I’m going to be spending the money and/or effort to also buy and crush up fresh lavender or whatever, those ingredients can stand on their own. To me the

I hadn’t thought of this much before, but honestly, couldn’t a bartender make a variety of interesting non-alcoholic cocktails using the additives they already have, and using water/club soda/ginger ale/etc. as filler? What does a product like this offer that the existing add-ins and a bit of forethought couldn’t do?

I don’t do the drinking and driving thing, and often find myself as the DD, because I am the only one who can be counted on NOT to have a single sip of booze if I am driving. I usually stick with soda, except at craft bars. Ctaft bars seem to make their own elderflower lemonade, or the like, which is about the only

I’m sure they priced it at $35 to compete with craft spirits but remember, when you buy a bottle of booze, a lot of that price is tax. In Chicago, more than a quarter of it: