The thing I like the best about AOC is that conservatives hate her.
The thing I like the best about AOC is that conservatives hate her.
Lame article.
The language of the suit included something like they would make them pay in a way they would never forget. Trump has already tweeted his approval. I hope they lose and owe court costs that make them pay in a way they never forget. I guess conservatives only believe in tort reform when it affects others.
Emily dear, I am a Target cashier, please don't pick on us. We work hard and put up with a lot.
So what is more disturbing, that he made the comment or that it was “liked” by 154k people? The former of course.
She risked everything to do her civic duty and we still ended up with a pervert on the Supreme Court. It was all for show to the republicans. Why didn’t they save her and her family this fear by simply telling her they really didn’t care what she had to say their minds were made up. I truly don't understand how any…
Not this white woman!
You live most of your life, for me more than 40 years, with secrets you fear no one will believe or they will blame you for because you drank or looked too good in the dress you chose or went out alone to a bar. Should have known better, whatfuckingever. Sorry, anger is really hard to keep down right now. Anyway,…
This fricking bad excuse for a human being's new woman friend is an ex-prosecutor, I would like to hear her justification of jr making fun of a sexual assault victim. I despise him as much as I do his daddy.
What they can do is add to the number of justices. No where does it state there is to be 9. Make it 11 and add 2 liberals. I might add trump with mccconnell's assistance has add over a 100 to the circuit courts.
Which is as effective as thoughts and prayers.
Stocks are down again bigly today.
Starting your post calling for civility by using derogatory labels for people you disagree with shows you for the hypocritical ignoramous that is typical of the trump supporter. How much did you get on your paycheck from the tax cuts? Do you really think trump is making us great?
My husband and I just put $99 in the Amazon pot that I plan to try and get back and donate to the homeless in Seattle.
It is also punishing the players she is scheduled to play, that is why they are defending her. Maria Sharapove told the world her true feelings for Serena in her book so now she is defending her? I am not buying it. They just don’t want to face Serena in early rounds. Halep, maybe she was sincere, no way was Sharapova.
He kept 2 from Sochi.
My Shadow died of cancer last year. He too loved people but other dogs more. If there is a doggy heavan there is no doubt Beemo will find him there.
It was water, big deal.
Anybody want to take the bet that he doesn’t read even one letter? Maybe, maybe he has someone read one to him.
You are correct, trump’s outrageous rhetoric has from the beginning brought ratings and he used those ratings and his outrageousness to walk into the White House. I just can’t wait for him to be gone so we can somehow once again earn respect from the rest of the world.