
Poor Sarah right? No, not right. I refuse to even listen to her “um” lies. If Wolf wanted to attack her looks she could have but she did not. It completely disappoints me to see women like Andrea Mitchell demanding an apology. When Sarah apologizes for her lies then even then Wolf does not owe her anything.

I had an abortion in Memphis in 1977, maybe I should pay a visit. My super Christian rightwing right to life sister had one there in the 80's. I could get her to go with me.

She may not be getting paid directly but she will get paid by free publicity. The problem is who is going to use her company after she tries to help a rapist go free?

My first question would be can she really get things done? We have seen through President Obama how the very best intentions mean nothing if the legislature you are stuck with is unwilling to work with you. Then I would want to know where her priorities lie. I think New York is a liberal minded state for the most part

This is what it should tell us all, they are scared to death of her. Remember how they attacked Hillary? Her approval rating hit the roof and boom, they went on the attack. The difference here is that this is an innocent teenager who they have no real dirt on. This is going to cost them votes.

I don’t think Chris Matthews was the only one brought to tears, in fact I know he wasn’t because I myself cried all day watching these man young men and women, they are wise beyond their years and I can not call them children or kids. Emma Gonzalez is going places, that young lady has already got many young girls

Just saying it doesn’t take spit it takes a need for the truth. I like EW but I don’t understand the “you aren’t taking this from me” attitude. Weird.

When all this first came to light years ago I completely connected with Warren. For perhaps the first 40 years of my life I thought I had Native American blood. Same thing, my grandmother married a man who was part Cherokee. I never met him as he died when I was 3, well anyway I don’t remember him. I told everyone my

I love her.

She should have asked one of the hockey team for a gold. That would have been good.

If you don’t want tough questions about your father, don’t represent him and us. As I typed that I suddenly am surprised at how much anger I feel having that bimbo representing me and my country of birth. She shouldn’t be referring to him as daddy but as mr. president while in this job. This literraly reeks.

Maybe if they put pictures in the breifing? Or they could have hannity read the report on video for him, we all know how much he loves sean.

SMH Crying. The picture that bitch put into my brain of that poor defenseless creature fighting not to be killed by the only one it depended on for everything, makes me want to find her and hold her head in a toilet. I don’t want her to die because I want her to have to live with the image she just made me live with.

When will all these people learn? Diane needs someone to scream at her that pedophiles, rapists, wife beaters, bullies, and countless other lowlife creeps DO NOT ADVERTISE!. They do not show their true selves to the world. They most certainly do not show their true selves to people who could corroborate their victims

Hillarious. I actually overlooked that bit of idiocy. Good catch.

They make a beautiful couple, both of them are incredible people who care about others. Diana would be proud of Harry’s choice in a wife. It is obvious they are very much in love. This woman is jealous. She sees someone she considers inferior to herself marrying a Prince, going to live in a castle with servants,

I don’t know if she knew what was going to happen. Common sense says she did but she isn’t really that smart so, who knows??? One thing is for certain, if she did know, she has way more than paid for it since. She was thrown out of the sport, ostracized by her peers, forced to earn a living in ways most of us would

Plus, the irony is he was protecting his family from his family.

dr wonk is correct. He joined to avoid prison.

My thought is that Sarah will drop charges.