
I’ve long had a hatred for makeover shows. My mom loved them, and during my teenage years, fantasized about sending me on one. I was having gender identity issues, was being bullied, and overall pretty miserable. I hated that clothes were such a battleground: I wanted them not to matter, but if they didn’t matter,

Why am I already on the verge of tears???

Anyone here seen Tully?

I can feel a lot of this. Dating is fucking CRAZY now. At one point I was engaged, we almost got married, she kept losing her shit and I finally ended it almost 8 years ago.

A too-wide generalization but one that may hold some truth here: Women tend to internalize pain; men externalize it. Both are dangerous for the person in pain, but only one of them is dangerous to the rest of the world.

My daughter is eleven. Right now she’s at a phase in her life where her friend group is equally boys and girls and she cherishes them all. There are hints of little crushes here and there, but mostly, they’re still kids.

And, yeah, I know there are assholes on both sides and women can lie about being on the pill too.

It’s funny.....all the adults who for years have shit upon Millenials (now adults) and other kids....complaining they’re lazy, selfish, absorbed in their phones, have no direction, don’t vote, don’t care about issues etc etc.

“Former Vet,” unless he has also been a once-but-no-longer-practicing-Veterinarian, is an oxymoron- veteran means someone who has done something in the past; you can never stop being a veteran of something you were a veteran in the past. If you want two words you could say Military/Army veteran, or “Former US Army

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

I always think of this and yet, I feel like I could get into a bad situation by succumbing to manners. I nearly did once. I let a young man I didn’t know into the house to use the phone. I know I know, but I was even younger than him - maybe 14 - and didn’t want to be unkind. He waaaay overstayed his welcome but did

Do you think Ted Allen sometimes looks around at his empire of food-based television and says to himself, “Can you imagine I built this off of telling dumb bros how to cook a single decent recipe in a desperate attempt to impress their loved ones?”

Twice I have intervened to help a woman being harrassed by a man. Once on purpose, the last time because the woman came to me for help :

“How can I, as a man, do that? Without myself coming off as a creep?”

Yes! I was being hassled in public at a music event by some old dude who “was just trying to be nice why are you getting mad!?!?” yet wouldn’t leave me alone. Dozens of people were within spitting distance of us but I couldn’t catch anyone’s eye for assistance. Some amazing petite woman about 7" shorter than me walked

I’m a man. I recently intervened to help a woman who was being literally assaulted in a parking lot with at least a dozen people standing by watching. When I intervened, the guy turned his attention to me, which gave her time to get into her car and escape. Immediately after he and I were engaged, 8-10 people rushed

Now playing

This is a great video explanation of the history of the world, and how america started (starts at 12:26)

I didn’t think Arkangel was a particularly strong episode but it did get me thinking about the nature of fear and children. The “content blocker” feature seemed so dangerous. Fear keeps you alive! I want my toddler to be scared of things like vicious dogs and train tracks. It’s your brain saying “Stay Away! Stay

I’ve long stopped being horrified at how many grown ass adults I’ve met and seen who are totally ignorant in these matters.

Literally, the most insensitive thing any person could say to a couple going through infertility treatment is ‘why don’t you just adopt’ like it’s going to the fucking pound and getting a puppy. I spent a fortune on IVF and it was still cheaper than adoption.