
The only time I ever saw someone masturbating in public was when I was in high school, and it was so fucking creepy. I was only 15 or 16. I was in the school library during my study hall period, just sitting at a table doing homework or whatever. Off to my right about twenty feet away was this kid just standing

THIS. times a thousand.

good god that is amazing work.

"her new diet, which is made up of two key components: light and air."

I am so doing this right now.

I read that word and immediately felt like an Old, since I had no idea what it meant before reading this article.

Ouch! But that reminds me of an app I got a while back called Type n Walk that gives you a transparent view on your phone while you're texting. It's kinda helpful.

THIS. So much.

I'm crying with laughter.

I know, right?!

If this shit happens in California, I will revolt. REVOLT.

Me too.

I love this show so much.

I love this show so much.

I beg to differ.

Kevin/Frank makes the best gif faces.

annnnd I got Camera Assist.

which is tattooed with the phrase ""STRONG E nuf 4 A MAN BUT Made 4 A WOMAN"

Welp. Turns out I emasculated like 5 dudes today.

And instead of saying "Happy Mother's Day!" to his mom this year, it'll be just "Happy Host's Day!"