
My theory is she read some Stephanie Coontz and just oversimplified.

Black leggings have been out of fashion for a while now, man. This is a cranky old person complaint from like a decade ago. I don’t know where you live but where I am, form-fitting pants are out and baggy/boxy mom jeans and crop tops are most common.

Jesus, they are so desperate for audience good will. Aidan was great on the original show, like much too good for Carrie. I think any Aidan fans out there probably want him to run far away from this mess.

It was mostly on Black twitter, not surprised that folks around here weren’t aware of it and don’t seem to grasp it, really. This article leaves out that crucial context: it wasn’t the internet in general that went in on Zoe Kravitz, it was Black people specifically and I think knowing that helps frame her

Just say you hate women and move on, man. You’re clearly invested in this abuser for some reason (and though it’s tempting, I won’t speculate why). Like I said, I’m just going to be grateful that I never have to talk to you in real life (while being sad that there are so many of you out there) and suggest you do some

You are going extremely hard to defend a guy who’s had complaints from women at every job he’s ever had. Studios don’t boot major stars lightly, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I am just really grateful that I don’t know you IRL, as a woman you really seem like the worst “but what did he really DO to you?!” kind of

I am sold on this and after watching that actress do really solid work in thankless roles for decades, I’m like weirdly happy for her that she gets to be a romantic lead. Same with Studi. More of this, please, Hollywood! 

“The time she decided to say “fuck #metoo” and defends to defend her alleged rapist writer friend over the women accusing him.”

WHEN? I need more Mythic Quest! Ted Lasso gets a lot of hype but this is by far my 2nd favorite of the Apple shows (Severance is pretty unbeatable).

I actually just started watching Claws and was really impressed with a full-throated defense of abortion, in which multiple main characters discuss having had abortions and we watch one get one (then curse out some anti-abortion protesters, so cathartic), in season 1. Just wasn’t expecting it and in the current

No, I feel like plenty of shows/movies at the time raised it and brushed it off quickly with, “Of course I could never do THAT.” It was annoying. But I can’t think of any specific examples right now.

I do feel like Juno also has to be seen in context, I feel like in a lot of media aimed at women, characters decide against abortion more often than not. The scale definitely always felt tipped in totality, with everything I was watching at that time. That’s what made Bojack’s Zap Zap Pew Pew so great, I’d never seen

Thanks for the rec, I’ll give it a shot. 

Yes, as a former server, the reactions of the staff felt very real. From “ignore the crazy” to “oh hell no!”. Been there! 

I actually really liked the touch of Tyesha’s Black parents participating in the dance!

I LOVED Schmiggadoon and I love Titus, this is very exciting for me! Happy Friday! 

I generally like women-centered period dramas but at my age I really can’t get into a steamy teen-girl and grown-ass-man story. Yuck. As a teen I totally would have watched and probably enjoyed it (I remember enjoying Lolita with Jeremy Irons back in the day, I also remember my mom yelling “WHERE IS HER MOTHER?!” when

Really slow day at work so I found the article:

Yeah, my husband and I still say “You’re so clever Marnie, you’ve gotten everything you wanted” to each other all the time. My husband had a huge crush on Oona as Marnie! 

I think you’re confusing father and son, dude. I posted to defend Julius, the socialist immigrant father and doctor. Your last comment was definitely describing his son, Armand, who was also the oil tycoon.