
I cannot stress this enough to Trump, he does not have to stay at the White House at all or ever darken Washington DC with his presence again. It’s simple, “I resign the presidency effective immediately,” sign and date it.

Not a surprise. He has no interest in history that is not about him and his idea of good taste is frou-frou gilt on everything and his name in giant illuminated letters.

“In response to Trump’s remark, Chelsea Clinton went high”

It’s because we need ninjas.

I briefly worked for a law firm that defended multiple large insurance companies. It gross.

Insurance companies only exist because they deny, deny, deny legitimate claims. Does anyone on here work for one? Do you feel it’s an ethical occupation?

My aunt owned a bagel shop for twenty years or so and obviously had insurance that entire time. It burned down a year ago through no fault of her’s (Massachusetts was in a drought last year and someone had put a cigarette out in mulch next door. The dryness helped it spread.)

I’ve got zero issue with marijuana use, but how it impacts someone who is suffering from an existing serious mental condition can be quite different to how it impacts someone without one.

To my lesbian Muslim wife who does activism work to increase Muslim acceptance of LGBT folks within the community, this survey is proof that the work she and others like her are doing isn’t pointless and is actually making a difference. Surveys like this are incredibly encouraging to LGBT Muslims. As much as I also

If you’d kill your wife for simply laughing at you, there has to have been previous toxic abusive behavior by this psycho.

The Men of Jezebel have been dominating the comments section at least since the demise of Gawker Media and the alpha much longer than that.

I gotta admit, I find it pretty distasteful to see a male commenter being sad that he was slower than another male commenter to make a Margaret Atwood comment when we’re talking about yet another fucking women being murdered by a man.

Jeez, and I just had the place sprayed for these things. Shoo, apologists, shoo.

What if he was a sniveling, womanizing, job-not-having POS that DESRVED to be ridden daily. See how that works?

Today in Victim Blaming 101:

And he really fucked his kids over. They witnessed it.

Honestly, he sounds slightly insane.

He killed their mother in front of the kids! Jesus wept. I’m going home and crawling into my bong.

What if you weren’t excusing a murderer?

How is rape “non-physical trauma”?