
Truth. I had a friend whose ex wouldn’t go down on her because she literally did not have time in her schedule to get a wax and he just bitched and moaned the whole time about it. He was cheating on her. Assholes will be assholes about everything and anything. Men don’t pass up sex because of pubic hair. Inexperienced

Fuck how long have you got?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

My skin is very sensitive it does not feel good in jeans to be bare and it itches so much when it grows back. #teamhair

He’s not using it to moisturize, though.

But that is how kids look! Your partners grew up in a society that fetishizes young girls bodies and praises grown women to the degree they are able to replicate them. Your partners aren’t child molesters and there’s nothing morally wrong for any given person to go hairless if that's their preference, but it’s a

You know, there’s all kinds of situations where a child is taken away from their parents for reasons that are questionable or seemingly unnecessary.

This is not one of those times. Seriously, get that baby out of there. These people need help.

While seeing the video I thought “Taylor’s gonna sue”. I don’t even like her music but I find his beef with her pathetic.

Yes it would be a horrible tragedy if they did something to keep you from killing two of your children.

that is fucked up and sad but give Texas a day and they will blame Obama

Why am I not surprised that Tammy Duckworth is, again, being a total badass?

My personal push is to change the way the stat is presented. Instead of “every 2 minutes, a woman us raped,” how about “Every 2 minutes, a man rapes a woman.” Accurate and puts the onus where it fucking belongs.

Now playing

I’m sure everyone’s seen it, but it’s still my favorite.

Everyone thought he was smart because he was a math professor. You can be eduated, yet dumb as a box of rocks...

yeah wow he’s so hot

She’s also so Canadian:

If I were a millionaire I would shop Amazon listings Price: High to Low.

My personal favorite.

This! There is absolutely no need to reboot The Mummy thank you very much. No reboot could possibly be as good. Especially a reboot with Tom Cruise in it.

Tom Cruise is leaving Scientology because he’s “so smitten” with an actress named Annabelle Wallis, his 31-year-old costar in the upcoming reboot of The Mummy.