
Couldn’t just hold on your faux outrage for even a second, could you? I don’t know how that poster could have been be more clear that he or she believes in free choice and admonished this ‘law’.

I’m white. My first boyfriend was Mexican/Native American. The next couple boyfriends were white. I will never forget the public reaction when I first dated a black man. The hatred in the stares. I was maybe 22? I had no real sense of that type of racism. (White privilege, yes.)

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.

I think you’re full of bull. For twenty-five years, I’ve worked reading court cases as a legal editor, and about twenty-five percent of the cases I see involve domestic (male on female) violence. We see only appealed cases; only one in ten cases gets appealed (approximately); approximately one in ten cases gets

pinkham was da bomb. her family were abolitionists and frederick douglas was her neighbor. there is still a clinic in salem, ma that bears her name and gives free health care and vaccines to poor women and their kids.

It is now my life’s goal to become a bug bear to innocent children.

I hope they get the prayers they need for comfort, but also I hope the government invests more money in domestic violence intervention. There’s almost always an escalation in threats and violence so there may be warning signs, but the authorities often can’t act on them until it’s too late. Domestic abuse is a unique

Like when cops yell “stop resisting” when the victim isn’t resisting.

I once met a 40-year old man with an 18-year old wife. I was not impressed...

None of the concern trolls seem to be upset that John left his nine days old to have a meal....

Sounds like that's a problem with the teachers and their behavior, then. If some prejudiced school teachers in Texas start harassing and mistreating orthodox jewish students or hijab-wearing muslim students, should we say 'maybe they should avoid wearing their head-coverings to class so that they'll be treated safely

Best song off the album.

“Rapists will find opportunity, regardless of what you do.”

So not only is her rape her own fault for being a bad communicator, but now the fact she’s gotten shitty advice is her fault because she wrote Dear Abby (the longest lasting and most well known of any of those you mentioned) instead of someone else? C’mon now.

I keep waiting for you guys to tell me the rest of the joke you were telling about how you drug test a parent for food and then when they fail you starve their children. Hahahahahahaha that's such a good one it gets me everytime

Yup, exactly. After a lot of weight gain and two c-sections, I have a big hanging flap that does NOT look good unless it’s tucked away and covered by a long shirt. Trust me on this.

When you’re as fat as me and Paula, it’s more flattering to have shirts that cover your awakward fat apron in the front and flabby ass in the back. Shirts that stop at the waistline look awful on me. :(

I’m from Wisconsin. But my people were here first before everyone else came along and ruined it.