
The Cat Fanciers Association informs me Norwegian Forest Cats are indeed likely to be the breed Vikings took with them on their ships. My son is very into vikings, and he was absurdly excited when I accidentally discovered his cat (rescued from a pound at about 8 weeks old) is at least partly NFC. Their Norwegian

Well-trained singers do lose a tone or two off the top of their range somewhere in their 30s, but it’s mainly the timbre and flexibility of the voice that changes with age. It’s like gymnasts - they will always maintain their technique, and if they keep up their training they will maintain most of their flexibility

Oh god, don’t ever listen to Jimmy Barnes from Australian group Cold Chisel trying to sing these days. He spent his youth aggressively pushing a raised larynx and his voice is completely blown out.

As a dramatic sop...I agree totally, the cult of the high note is bullshit. Give a contralto Erda’s role from Wagner’s Ring Cycle and it’s magnificent. Give it to a coloratura and you will have a trainwreck. But it’s not Gaga’s range that’s the problem, it’s her technique. She’s got the entire head range to go but

Or second degree murder?

Or that he wanted to look down in way that signals submission.

There may actually be some rationalisation possible for the sandals. Sandals can be scratchy and sweaty, and they would be hella comfy if padded with sheepskin. Gotta be the real thing, though, not that acrylic crap.

Off topic, but if anyone is having trouble with unsolicited dick pics, I have a possible solution. Next time you have your period, take a few pictures of your used sanitary products. If you receive unwelcome pictures, say nothing; simply send back a photo of your used tampons. I feel this could get results.

Sending it to a consenting adult; no problem.

What, so he organised this bullshit...and let real reporters in...and pretended he’d already taken questions from them...and tried to gaslight them that they had actually asked the fake questions themselves??

That means that your high school teachers should also have been fired, not that this lady should stay. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

Well, there’s always Bill Cosby.

No problem!

Team no one (except Ms. Sorrell. Team Ms. Sorrell to infinity and beyond.)

In answer to (e)...Jacobs is not simply an artist. He’s an industry heavyweight and trendsetter. His designs and aesthetic are copied throughout the Western world, and that aesthetic is heavily Eurocentric. He’s one of the people that creates the double standard.

I see from your other replies what you meant. Obviously your original post didn’t read the way you intended. It happens. I agree that Trump’s policies are not likely to be nuanced!

I would agree that Hillary Clinton is a career politician. I think we might disagree on whether that makes her a shit person (that Trump is a shit person goes without saying). The job invariably involves compromise, back-room dealings, some things smoothed over and others made examples of. It’s a real-life version

Depends on the birth. A bad tear with lots of stitches? A hemorrhage? A ruptured uterus? A severe infection? These are all possibilities. Childbirth can be brutal.

There have been multiple such couples, and their careers usually end very, very badly for their victims.

Oh, there are many special misogynists. Why was she drinking and taking drugs with people she didn’t know? Why did she agree to have them come back to her hotel room? She’d probably been flirting, after all, what did she expect to happen?