
Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary folk...the Australian Mountain Pygmy Possum.

I’m really reminded of domestic abusers. They belittle and beat their partners until it looks like they might actually suffer some consequences; the partner calls the cops, or threatens to leave, or suffers an injury that needs medical attention. Then the abuser is all “I’m so sorry, baby, you know I love you, I’ll

I predict one of several things will happen.

Instead of trying to make him shut up and wasting everyone’s time they should simply mute his mike when he’s not supposed to be talking. I will never understand why televised debates don’t do this.

My personal favourite is the guy who originally called him “a short-fingered vulgarian”. Trump regularly sends him photos of himself (Trump), with his hands circled in gold Sharpie to demonstrate that they’re not short. Complete with snarky comments. A quarter century after the insult.

I love the way both women anchors have pushed their heads forward on their necks and the one on the far left is peering. Subtle, but unmistakeable WTF??? poses.

Good edit.

Right, so the name is important. A bit of a roundabout way of answering my question, but OK.

In modern English the word does retain its meaning of “human”

He first noticed the possum when he heard it running across the roof, so he started putting out slices of apple for it. The possum will now take the apple from his hand. He’ll go out on the front verandah and make this indescribable chuckling noise, and if the possum’s around it’ll come running, sit on the verandah

BWAHAHAHAH!!! Thank you.


I lol’ed.

Oh, if an unvaccinated child develops autism it’s because the mother was vaccinated. I am not making that up. Teh Vaccines are so Toxic they turn the next generation autistic.

Oh, absolutely the credit is his! We just made sure he had the tools he needed to succeed. Huge shout out to his sister, too. Only two years older than him, she took it on herself to train him in acceptable teen behaviour. She also taught him to recognise innuendo. It took diagrams, but she did it...

I GOT CALLED A BITCH, A C**T AND A FEMINAZI IN THE ONE GLORIOUSLY MISSPELLED POST! I have never been called a Feminazi before. My life is complete.

Thank you! I’m not a linguist, but I do love language. The torrent of Well, actually replies I’m dismissing is astonishing. So much Mansplaining of points I’ve already made. So many logical fallacies. So much insistence that I’m trying to censor them (by questioning their beliefs and assumptions and pointing out

As a white person who’s less racist than I used to be (I continue to work on it), I may be able to give insight. In my ignorant youth I thought, said and did things that were casually racist. Never join-a-white-supremacist-group racist, but microaggression racist. And if you had called me a racist, I would have denied

My word. Black women in a STEM field in the 1960s...they must have had ovaries of adamantium and needed a wheelbarrow to carry them. That is certainly a story that should be told!

It would also be a different movie if shown from a black POV. Of the movies Juan mentioned I’ve only seen Mississippi Burning: it was completely centred on white characters. The black people were simply objects who were acted upon to create conflict and motivation for the white leads.