
ALL the stars for you. My son has high-functioning autism. After years of occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioural therapy and special education, he lives a full and completely independent life. He has a responsible job, lives in his own place, plays in a garage band, has wonderful friendships, loves to paint

Not to mention...I count one non-white woman. That’s in all the above videos.

Jesus, so much time and energy spent telling me that the name’s not important. Seems important to the people who are intent on proving to me it’s not important.

Because people punish women for speaking out.


Eight MRAs dismissed so far. Keep ‘em coming, boys.

Jesus, dude, not funny. Transgender people are at incredibly elevated risk of violence and murder. And the term you used is considered a slur. You owe any transgender people on here a massive apology.

I assumed it was a reference to Brock Turner, the Stanford Swimming rapist.

A few years back there were wildfires in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. The long-term weather forecast was for a dry, hot day with high winds in five days - the kind of weather firefighters dread when they aren’t battling an out of control fire in dense bush in mountains.

“Man” can certainly be a gender neutral term, such as “mankind”. It’s more commonly seen in its meaning of male. That’s why the job titles such as fireman and policeman were changed. They implied that these jobs were best filled by men, and a woman or non-binary person doing them would be a weird anomaly. There was a

So when women and non-binary people say they find the name exclusionary, it’s “just a name” and we should get over it. By that logic, the game’s creators should be happy to say “Eh, it’s just a name, no biggie” and change it.

Anyone can use the word man anywhere they please. The game developers just did. If you mean “we can no longer use the word man in anything media related, even if we are referring to the male human or as part of an accepted gender-neutral term like mankind” Arriving at that conclusion from my post would be a

Can you explain further? Always happy to hear opposing points of view.

Oh, now I understand what you mean. You’re saying there is nowhere it is acceptable for a woman to bare her breasts as long as she goes veiled. A Muslim woman must follow both the Western and Islamic modesty standards, and cover both her chest and head. A non-Muslim woman must only follow the Western standard and

Well, it inspires me to take more care how I word things in future. Nothing like a good dogpile to teach lessons! I do appreciate the corrections, you can’t make a good argument with factual errors.

Good god. We’ve just had a Federal election in Australia, and I am royally pissed because the bogan, racist pig ignorance that is Pauline Hanson won a Senate seat again. So did homophobic theocratic shitstains Corey Bernardi and Erik Abetz. We have some serious arseholes in government. But I have never heard an

He’s gone through three lawyers in nine months? Oh, there is some serious shit going down behind the scenes...

If she wants to see a face like no other on earth...she should gaze on that photo for a while. That is some well overdone cheek implants and botox, and some monumentally badly blended contouring.

They’d already finished competing.

Wow, police scepticism of a reported crime, failure to find witnesses, victims not acting victim-y enough...we’re “...and they’d been drinking” away from this being a rape report.