
Wow. That is really, really gross. I hope Unrein criticises the paper for it - they plainly won’t listen to Cogdell.

All high-level field hockey is played on artificial grass. Wetting it allows the ball the move faster, and reduces friction burn on any players who fall over.

I would like women to get paid for the value of their contributions, not by old-fashioned ideas about gender.

But why does he get to decide what’s hurtful to other people? Let’s say I give you a playful punch in the arm, and you wince and yell “That hurt!”. Maybe I accidentally hit you harder than I meant to, maybe you have an injury I don’t know about, maybe I misjudged your pain tolerance. But you get to decide if you were


Apparently accurate readings or predictions are due to confirmation bias. The psychic probably presented all sorts of things which didn’t ring true at all, but it’s hardwired into the brain to remember “hits” and forget “misses”. So you brain dismissed anything that didn’t relate to your own life as unimportant and

Same. I can see why some places would want that - pushy parents, anyone? but it’s just too dangerous. I’ve seen places that have an observation deck with a two-way mirror, so the parents can watch but not be a distraction. That should be standard.

OK, picture’re back at school, and a bully twice your size is beating you up. There’s a crowd of kids watching. You’re not likely to think “Well, the spectators aren’t contributing to my injuries, good for them! Not all students!”. What you need is for them to help you. Not interfering doesn’t mean they’re

I bought my dad a special bucket hat. It had a little pocket on the top where lived a flynet. He wore the hell out of that hat. My teenage daughter wanted to die.

Spread it all out on a plate like a normal person, or put it on toast, and I would eat the hell out of both. But I agree the logistics of using an avocado as a bun are insurmountable.

I object to hearing racist shit. This, according to Mr. Eastwood, makes me a “pussy”. Clint Eastwood objects to listening to me objecting to racist shit. So what does that make him?

Sorry, what part of my post is incorrect?

Of course if kids go looking for porn, they’re going to find it and no, having to click several times won’t put them off . Nor do I deny that a steady diet of porn is probably not good for kids’ psychosexual development.

How many Millennials are still living with their parents because they can’t afford to move out? There’s a boner killer right there.

...they can’t avoid tripping over hard-core S/M and triple penetration and diaper fetishists every click they make...

Apprehended trying to flee the scene of a theft. Refused lawful police directions, tried to escape from police by yelling, kicking and flailing. Not shot dead in the street for resisting arrest.

As a trained opera singer, I cringe at the vocal delivery of a lot of public speakers - they speak with a raised larynx and tension in their throat and jaw. This cuts out a lot of the harmonics and makes the voice sound thinner and more strained than it needs to. Hilary Clinton does do this. But so does Donald Trump.

So this is what happens to those arsehole kids who suddenly introduce a new rule in the middle of the game and insist it means they aren’t really losing. They grow up to be sovereign citizens.