
The beaver should have hockey sticks.

Is there a more deviant motive for it?

So they should complain about being fired for refusing to sleep with their boss...before they’ve been fired? What?

But the real problem is black on black crime!

Most of them were vaccinated in childhood because their parents were not fucking idiots. They do avoid newly-developed vaccinations and boosters for themselves.

No, it’s not literally their funeral. It’s their child’s funeral. Or the funeral of that baby too young to be vaccinated, or the person receiving chemotherapy, or the elderly person, or anyone else unable to fight off VPD that wouldn’t every have been exposed and died if these fucks hadn’t shredded herd immunity. It’s

To quote the legal blog Popehat, “Vague threats are the hallmark of legal thuggery”. It doesn’t get much vaguer than that letter. No mention of which specific statements they take issue with. No mention of how they would treat the complex jurisdictional issues. They didn’t even get an actual lawyer involved. No, just

He needs an anti-abortion agenda to justify giving women adequate sex education, maternal health care, maternity leave and childcare options??? Fuck him. Those things should be available because women are fucking people who deserve them, not as protection for goddamn fetuses.

Yeah, let’s repeatedly do something the dog obviously finds threatening or antagonising, laugh at its aggressive response and teach it to attack its owner as soon as he lifts his hands. This man is both an arsehole and an idiot. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets badly bitten, and I hope it’s him. Except

I’m sorry to say that some people are saying they shouldn’t go to America because of the risk of getting shot. Not specifically by police, but there is growing international awareness and fear of America’s gun violence.

Ask them to show you white people BLM has lynched with legal impunity, because a racist justice system is protecting the murderers. No, the cop killers don’t count - remember (1) they weren’t members of BLM and (2) they’re both dead, so no legal impunity. Oh, and I’m sure they can give you a list of white churches BLM

I particularly like the way they act when he turns around. “Yeah, just happen to be here...not doin’ nuthin’...certainly not sneaking up on you to try and eat you or anything...”

An armed society is a polite society!

The Dismissal. Australia’s government was literally sacked by the Queen’s representative in 1975 after the Opposition blocked supply and the Prime Minister wouldn’t call an election to resolve the mess. I was 7. I don’t remember much about the Dismissal itself, but I clearly remember seeing a newspaper photo of the

If cops genuinely haven’t been paid for months...I can’t condone armed robbery, but they may well have no damn food at home. What a shitshow. You can guarantee any IOC members will have sufficient security not to be worried, just a shame about the poor bloody athletes.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground, the biggest sporting arena in Australia, has a lot of Pokemon around. I can’t find independent confirmation, but apparently a desirable beastie appeared on the playing field during a major football match and the crowd lost their minds until someone caught it.

Such a bastion of Conservative, Right-Wing values and ‘Murican Christianity, harbouring multiple serial harassers? I’m shocked, shocked! Bring me my fainting couch!

I’m in Australia and it’s winter; it’s been a cold but dry day and I spent the day in my (synthetic) dressing gown. When I hung it on the door it was so full of static that the sleeves were hanging away from it and my arm hairs stood up as I walked past it. So my little cat grabbed one of the ties and the dressing

There’s another point to the whole “freedom of speech” bullshit - that this speech was shoved in Leslie Jones’ face.

I would wear the hell out of that one with the lacing on the front. But I’d include pants.