
We’re working on differing definitions of adultery: I know it as applying only to a married person who is cheating on their spouse. Whatever the definition, the husband is a jerk. The other woman may also be a jerk who is willingly abetting his cheating on his wife, or she may not even know he’s married. Still neither

Not sure what you’re saying. Tichina Arnold, the woman who shared the video, isn’t in the video. It’s footage of her husband having sex with another woman. Tichina Arnold shared that footage without the permission of either her husband or the other woman. Neither the husband nor other woman shared anything.

What, this guy truly believes he is the first person to ever have leftover spaghetti and put it in a melted cheese sandwich? Fuck, I was doing that thirty five years ago.

He continues to wave his dick around because no one has punched him in it. You now have a chance to help women. Tell this man he is a fucking creeper who routinely commits a criminal offence and it needs to stop. Watch him at parties. If he looks like pulling his dick out, stop him. Chew him out in front of everyone.

Oh, I don’t know. My son just came back from Europe with a pair of Lederhosen. He thinks they’re pretty slick.

Please God tell me she didn’t eat that bread!!!!! There is a 100% chance that creep had adulterated it with at least one body fluid...

Whoever leaked it - not cool. The man is obviously a cheating dog and deserves to have his marriage shot to hell and all the legal implications that go with it. He does not deserve to have a sex tape spread across the internet without his consent because no one does, under any circumstances. Nor does his partner in

This is tone policing; insisting that oppressed people not only do all the work of educating their oppressors, but remain calm, logical and respectful while doing so. If they don’t, their argument is dismissed. This is neither fair nor reasonable.

Greg, good expense attorneys are expensive. Black people disproportionately live in poverty. I live in Australia, not America, but the experience of my own family can give you an example in principle of why this is so.

I agree. My daughter and I were out catching Pokemon yesterday. We discovered a front yard in her street which appears to be quite a nest. Two white women shrieking and giggling over a phone on your verge is probably not seen as a problem. A group of black teenage males...probably not so much.

The most recent example of a black man being unjustifiably shot by police: a man with no criminal record was stopped by police for a minor traffic offence and informed the officer that he was (legally) carrying a concealed weapon. The officer asked for ID and shot him when he reached for it.

The biggest reveal here, or at least explicit revelation, was how truly cowardly the Bolton army is. Of course they fought dirty, surrounding the Stark army with their shields and advancing methodically with their polearms erect; it was a disgusting play befitting their pathetic leader

Then she’s learned nothing from the days when, as self-absorbed adolescent, she ran crying to Cersei that her father was going to take her away from King’s Landing. Jon is an experienced, battle-hardened fighter and commander, with an even more experienced crew of commanders at his back. She has no training or

They’re probably just more desperate. Drought will bring all kinds of animals out of their natural habitat to search for food in unfamiliar places. It can give the wrong impression that the population is doing just fine because hey! look at how many there are. In reality, they were always there - they’re just being

In 2014, Sydney saw an armed siege in a cafe by a far-right, wife-beating Muslim man who tried to give the impression it was a full-blown Isis terror attack. He turned out to be lone whackjob with no ties whatever to Isis, trying to big-note himself by piggybacking on the “glamour” of a legit terrorist organisation.

Wow. When Bill O’Reilly and Fox News start saying your gun control laws are too lax, you really do need to check yourself.

There is nothing - literally nothing - these wierdos will not espouse. Their explanation for a non-vaccinated child being diagnosed with autism? That it’s damage from the mother’s childhood vaccinations. Yes, the MMR is so Toxic (tm) that a single dose will turn the next generation autistic. Many anti-vax groups have

I live in an area with a large Muslim community, and the local shopping centre has special opening hours for Ramadan. All the food outlets are advertising special Ramadan menu items. Most are staffed by a mix of Muslim and non-Muslim people, so I assume that if anything needed tasting they would call on one of the

You are presenting a straw man. No one is denying that there are still gun deaths in England. No one is claiming that restricting gun ownership would remove all guns from private hands and prevent all gun murders.

NOW what will the MRAs say?