
Australian here...our gun control laws are awesome, but America’s is a very different situation. For one, we have no constitutional right to own guns, so making gun control laws is much simpler.

Well, they can’t be all gay-y and devianty when they’re dead, so it’s safe to allow them people status then. Plus, if anyone calls you out on being anti-gay, you can point to how emotional you got over dead gay people. Win win!

You think we want her back??

Yet another reason not to watch X-Factor! They are piling up...

I hope security forces have a plan for election day. Assuming Trump loses (please God!) his supporters will explode. And they have a lot of guns.

Yes, there are many government departments and programs that include gender in their wording or functions. They would certainly need to be amended to cover the existence of a third gender category, in the same way voting legislation had to be amended when women achieved suffrage. I don’t consider that to be a great

Ah, I don’t watch any Kardashian shows. He may well just be an arsehole, then.

It may be the brain damage that’s affecting his behaviour. The very highest brain function involves social functioning, and it’s very susceptible to chemical alteration or brain damage. For instance, it’s the first thing to go when people get drunk. It’s very common for people to have significant personality changes

If you’re talking about someone whose gender you don’t know, you automatically use “they” or “their” as the pronoun; oh no, someone’s forgotten their phone! Ask non-binary people what pronouns they prefer.

Jamie has chosen a gender. Non-binary is a gender.

Surely the core of the problem is how American schools are funded. They get their budget from local property taxes, yes? That is such an obvious recipe for generational inequality that I can’t believe it wasn’t deliberate. In Australia, education is run by a branch of the State government. They fund all public

Good god, I thought that was a sarcastic headline or from the Onion or something. That’s an actual real headline?

Fair enough point about the blackout/close to blackout. Reading comprehension fail.

I think it’s called rape by deception. These women consented to what they believed was a porn audition. Instead it was a sleaze using an elaborate scam to get free sex, with a side of humiliation of his victims. They were implicitly promised they would receive benefits - an introduction into a lucrative industry.

Makes sense. The jurors on the Stanford case gave up their time, put aside their daily lives and heard what must have been harrowing testimony. They would have seen photographs and heard medical testimony. It must have been awful. They deliberated and found the accused guilty of a vicious sexual assault. The judge

If don’t pay correct taxes and I get caught, I’m screwed. Did I do it on purpose? Doesn’t matter. Did I realise I was underpaying? Doesn’t matter. Was my tax agent incompetent? Doesn’t matter. If I don’t pay correct taxes and get caught, I’m screwed.

Now playing

She didn’t write her own material, but if he wants raw unaltered vocal talent...

He said what?? I didn’t know that. And Ali would have been what, close to 40 at that time? “Boy” isn’t quite as loaded as the N word, but definitely not something a white man should be calling an African-American man. Newton was not the most progressive of people, was he?

Widow of an alcoholic here.